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minutes 0 8 seconds East, 3 7 5.16 feet; th e n ce South 10 d e grces 0 6 min utes 3 4 <br />seconds East, 113.17 feet, to t h e north line of the sou th 8 3 3. 00 feet o f th e East <br />Half of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and said fine there <br />terminating, <br />And also that part of (Parcel 5), described as follows: Bcginning at the <br />intersection of the cast line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter <br />of the Southwest Quarter, and said north line of the south 833.00 feet of the <br />East Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 89 <br />degrees 24 minutes 36 seconds West, assumed bearing along said north line of <br />the south 833.00 feet of the East Half the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest <br />Quarter, 43.38 feet- thence North 08 degrees 49 minutes 44 seconds East, <br />76.87 feet; thence North 89 degrees 17 minutes 34 seconds East, 30.00 feet to <br />said east line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the <br />Southwest Quarter-- thence South 01 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East, along <br />said cast line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the <br />Southwest Quarter, 75.90 fea, to the point of beginning. <br />3. In consideration for the taking of the Psi kovsky Property and a 1 related <br />costs incurred by Pikovsky, the City has paid Pikovsky $6 1,000.00, whi includes <br />compensation for the Pikovsky Property and the temporary construction easement <br />necessary for the City's work. Pikovsky acknowledges that the it already deposited <br />$6 1 00 0.0 0 with the Court, which has disbursed the $6 1,000 plus interest to Pikovsky. <br />The City shall not be obligated to pay any additional compensation for the Pikovsky <br />Property. <br />4. In consideration for the taking of the PIK Property and all related costs <br />incurred by PIK, the City has paid PIK $182,200.00, which includes compensation for <br />the PIK Property and the temporary construction casemcnt necessary- for the City's work. <br />PIK acknowledges that the City already deposited $182,200.00 with the Coum which has <br />disbursed the $18.2,200 plus interest to PIK. The City shall not be Obligated to pay any <br />additional compensation for the PIK Property. <br />5. The Owners acluiowledge that the payments specified in Paragraphs 3 and <br />4 above are the full and final payments for the Property and all related costs m'cursed by <br />the Owners. The Owners hereby waive and release the it from any and all claims for <br />additional compensation for the taking of the Property and for any costs and fees ineurred <br />in this eminent domain proceeding, including but not limited to legal fees, appraisal fees. <br />expert witness fees, filing fees and costs. <br />6. In further consideration for the taking of the Property, the it ag-rees to <br />0 <br />demolish the existing buildings ("Buildings") located on the Owners' Remaining <br />3 <br />