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Metro water group sunset extended <br />Chapter 19 (*HF834/SF5t5) 211OWS the A/Ietyopah- <br />tan Council to continue to operate the Metropoliran <br />Area Water Supply Advisory Conamittee th rough 2016. <br />as described in MN Stat § 473.1565, subdivision .This <br />applies only to th e 5 even-county in e ti,o area. Effiv iw, rei f.-v - <br />arrivrl)i J ni)i i r Dec. 3 1, 2 0 12. (Ch <br />180-day process for adopting organized collection <br />replaced with 60-day negotiation period <br />C h a p te r 4 5 (*SF 5 10 / H F1 8) el i nis' fiat the c uni bersorne <br />I 80-day ptocess for adopting organized collection, and <br />replaces it with a 60-day negotiation period berween a city <br />2nd its licensed collectors. The new process is designed to <br />give the current collectors the first chance to develop a <br />proposal for organized collection. if the 6C--day negotiation <br />period ends without an 2greeinent,a city can cominue the <br />process by a-dopfing a resolution to form a committee to <br />study orgai)ized collection and make reconirnendatiolls. <br />Cities: that have already organized collection are exempt <br />fron-i the new law. Their ciirrent organized collection <br />lllcthods continue to govern. <br />The steps for adopting organized solid waste collec- <br />noil under the new law are -as foll.ows: <br />• Notice to public and licensed COIJectors. Before <br />forming a conimitLee to Study orgamized collecn-011., a <br />city with more tan One licensed cohector must notify <br />the public and its licensed - collectors that it is consider- <br />ing organizing collection. The new law does not specify <br />how notice should be provided. The League recani- <br />uaends providing both published notice and individual <br />mailed notice to each licensed collector. <br />a] <br />Sixty-day negotiation period. After a city provides <br />n Ot i Ce of I rs intent t o consider orgaaizing collection . It <br />must provide a 60-day I-legotiation period that is exclusive <br />bctNYccn the city alld AS hcensed collectors.A city is 110t <br />required to reach an agreement durli-ig this period. <br />• The purpose of the negodati-On Period is to allow <br />licensed collectors to develop a proposal in, which they, <br />as m e mbers o f an organizatio n o I c of le ctors, c of I c- ct <br />s ol i d wait e fi-oni designa te d s ecti o ns o f the cl ty. Tfi t. <br />proposal must addresses sPecIfIC issues set out in the <br />IICW law <br />If all agreement is reached with a city's licensed coi- <br />1 ecto rs , i L mu st be effecti ve for th re e to seven yea rs. <br />The city trust provide p-ublic notice and hold at least <br />one public hearing before implementing the agree- <br />ment. Organized collection cannot begin until at least <br />six months after the effective date of the city's decisi on <br />to implement organized collecti-on. <br />COtmr]Littee formation. ffa city does not reach <br />an agreement with its licensed collectors during the <br />negotiation period, it can Form—by resolution an <br />d. d organized collection OPU0115 conin-lit tec"to study <br />Page 24 <br />Attachment A <br />various inethads of organizing col lccLion and issue <br />a report TbC C-Ity COL[Ilcfl appoints the canunittee <br />in embers, and the COMIllitteCL is subject to the Opej, <br />Meehng Law-The commictee must exanune different <br />methods of org;inizbig collection (two Or which arc <br />s c ified in the law); establish a b 5 t of criteria for <br />ped <br />evaluating the different int-thods of collection; collect <br />information from other cities and covnis with organized <br />Collectio-ir; and seek i iput at a imnirnum from the city <br />C oil n6l, th C local o ffid a] responsible for solid waste <br />IS'Suesi 11-Censed solid waste and recycling collectors, and <br />city residents. <br />Public notice, public h eari <br />ng, and implernenta- <br />tion. A city must provide public notice and hold at <br />JCaSL one public hearing before deciding to In-iplement <br />organized CoUection. Organized collection cannot begin <br />I <br />until at least s"X Months after the effective date of the <br />i <br />city's decision to 1111plement organized collection. <br />I <br />9ffect*LJr May 8, 2013, (CJ) <br />Environrn-ent trust fund projects <br />Chapter 5.1. (*HFI 1 13/SF987) i5 the annual package <br />of PrOjects funded fi-om the elivironinent and nat-U'ral <br />I <br />resources trust fund, k�e hicla is s Funded through lottery pro- <br />seeds, The Legislative citizen C Ornim ssi 02, 011 Minnesota <br />FLe-sources i'.LCCMR) develops the recommendation for -a <br />wide range of research and projects related to the environ- <br />ment. Several of this year's approved projects are of interest <br />to Cio-M <br />* COunty geologic atlases. Subd. 3(b) provl des $1.2 <br />million to the University of Minnesota to Continue to <br />-accelerate completion of county geologic atlases. <br />0 Specified county geologic atlases. Stbd. 3(c) pro- <br />vides $1.2 million to die University of Minnesota for <br />a ddition a I work o n the sou my geol ogic a tlascs of I I ous <br />ton and Winona Counties. <br />a Wetland inventory. Subd. 3(d) provides $1 million to <br />the Deparmient of Natural kesources fol- Continued <br />work on a statewide wedand inventory. <br />Hyd rogen genera ti on from Wa s tewa ter. S to bd. 5 (g) <br />provides $240,000 to the University of Viinnesota to <br />research uses of selected bacteria and poll 111 mern- <br />bran es beirig used to generzte hydrogen from wastewa ter_ <br />Etnerald ash borer. ubd. 6(c) prow, des $600,000 to <br />the University Ormilinesotaand the Department of <br />Agriculture to evaluate and Implement de-tection options <br />for emerald ash borer. <br />Effurti'vejwly 1� 2013. (CJ) <br />Otnnibus lands bill <br />Chapter 7.3 i *HF740/SF886) is the omnibus la rids bill. <br />LegislatlVe apprOV;11 IS Deeded to authorizc- the sale of tax- <br />forfel ted parcels bordering public waters. Th e bill also con - <br />tains sore policy changes -related to the acquisition and <br />League of Minnesota Clues <br />