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Attachment C <br />Member Gj erdingen suggested that the PWETC become more proactive in <br />providing the City Council with recommended motions on items moving forward, <br />similar to that provided by staff in their reports to the City Council and action <br />requests. <br />Member Felice stated that a lot of ground was covered during the joint meeting, <br />and she appreciated the receptiveness of the City Council toward the PWETC and <br />its accomplishments and upcoming work plan. <br />Chair Vanderwall noted that he left the meeting feeling that, even thought the <br />PWETC was a citizen volunteer group, the City Council considered <br />recommendations of the group as meaningful and important to the work of the <br />City Council. <br />6. Final Vote on Organized Collection <br />Member Felice opined that, with all the time spent on this issue to -date and <br />hearing from all parties, it was time to move forward and achieve a positive <br />potential outcome. <br />Chair Vanderwall expressed his regret that Member Stenlund was not in <br />attendance for this vote; however, he noted that Member Stenlund had been a <br />strong and consistent advocate in support of organized collection. <br />Member DeBenedet commented on one area of concern with the draft resolution <br />on page 1 in the "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED..." introductory <br />statement; and suggested revised language to read as follows: <br />"NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Roseville, <br />Public Works, Environment, and Transportation Commission hereby <br />recommends to the Roseville City Council to [begin the state - mandated <br />process to implement] organized solid waste collection in the City of <br />Roseville with the consideration of the following goals:..." <br />Member DeBenedet opined that the actual PWETC recommendation is that the <br />City Council begin the process, including the lengthy discussion between haulers <br />and the City, and just recommending that the process be initiated, not whether it <br />actually comes to fruition in the end. <br />Member Gj erdingen expressed concern in the PWETC appearing to make an <br />actual commitment; with Chair Vanderwall clarifying that there was no <br />commitment, just initiating a very lengthy process. <br />Member DeBenedet moved, Member Gj erdingen seconded, the adoption of a <br />resolution entitled, "Resolution Recommending Consideration of Organized Trash <br />Collection;" for formal recommendation to the Roseville City Council; with page <br />I amended to read as follows: <br />Page 5 of 18 <br />