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I. 1992, a criminal informardon was filed ainstit Robert Trone in the Cow of Co =ion <br />Pleas, County of DaupEln, in the Commonwealth of lva rt Trove was charged <br />with one court of criminal conspiracy, pursuaat to 18 Pa. -& §§ 903, 107(x)(4), 4911., and <br />10 1. Robert Trove was summoned into court on those charges, arrested, and executed - an <br />appearance bond. On ly 21, 1994 imd September 16, 1994, all the charges pending against <br />Robert Trove xvere dismhsed. Further, on June 25, 1997, all the recur& in h nuinal case <br />against Robert Trone were expuMLed through court order. Therefore, fliese clialgas did go <br />result in conviction. <br />