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165 If it is the City Council's desire to restrict certain -sized buildings and /or uses, these would need <br />166 to be specifically articulated in the zoning code. In relation to regulating the size of buildings, it <br />167 must be determined why there is an interest in regulating building size. Is the desire to control <br />168 design and aesthetics of a structure? Is it desired to regulate the effects of a large use (traffic, <br />169 noise, etc). Is it a desire to regulated both facets? The "big -box" term does not just apply to <br />170 retail situations. It can also cover large office and warehouse structures that may be unattractive <br />171 as well as uses that have greater impacts than a retail operation. In as much as past discussions <br />172 reflected a desire to limit or restrict size and use, staff would caution against incorporating size <br />171 limitations into the Comprehensive Plan or Zoning Ordinance without clearly understanding why <br />174 they are being put in place and understanding they may have some unintended consequences. <br />175 Limitations on building sizing could limit property owners and prevent desirable business from <br />176 locating in Roseville simply because they are of large size. <br />177 Twin Lakes East o f Fairview Ave. <br />178 As has previously been discussed, the Twin Lakes area east of Fairview Avenue is significantly <br />179 different from the Twin Lakes area west of Fairview Avenue. Currently, the area east of <br />180 Fairview zoned CMU is regulated the same way as rest of Twin Lakes. The only limitation east <br />181 of Fairview Avenue is the need for a Regulating Plan. Previous discussions with the Council <br />182 indicated a desire to look at uses in this area differently than the rest of Twin Lakes. <br />18v One factor to consider when looking at what is appropriate east of Fairview is to take into <br />184 account the area immediately adjacent that front Snelling Avenue such as Rosedale Square. This <br />185 large -box, multi - tenant retail center is zoned Community Business and is located directly east of <br />186 Twin Lakes. Rosedale Square encompasses approximately 175,000 square feet of retail space <br />187 and includes a number of tenants, three of which are more characteristic of a regional business <br />188 than community business; the businesses include Byerly's, Office Depot, and Hirshfield's. <br />189 Looking east and north under the same zoning district, one will find Bruegger's Bagels, Darque <br />190 Tan, Boston Market, Midway Ford, Grumpy's, The Cellars, and Yada Systems to name a few. It <br />191 could be argued that these uses are of a regional nature and not exclusively community. <br />192 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS <br />193 Given the above analysis, the Planning Division would suggest the following amendments to the <br />19- Comprehensive Plan: <br />195 Community Mixed Use (CMU) <br />196 Community Mixed Use areas are intended to contain a mix of complementary uses that <br />197 may include housing, retail, personal service, office, civic, commercial, park, and open <br />198 space uses. Community Mixed Use areas organize uses into a cohesive district, <br />199 neighborhood, or corridor, connecting uses in common structures and with sidewalks and <br />200 trails, and using density, structured parking, shared parking, and other approaches to <br />. %-IJL _JL"XX%.-L 201 create green space and public places within the areas. ° m; V 64f XXXL& <br />202 , <br />203 . Residential land uses should generally represent between <br />204 25% and 50% of the overall mixed use area. The mix of uses may be in a common site, <br />205 development area, or building. Individual developments may consist of a mix of two or <br />206 more complementary uses that are compatible and connected to surrounding land -use <br />207 patterns. To ensure that the desired mix of uses and connections are achieved, a more <br />208 detailed small -area plan, master plan, and /or area - specific design principles is required to <br />209 guide individual developments within the overall mixed -use area. <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />