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Attachment A <br />FIRST AMENDMENT TO SETT ME NT AGREEMENT <br />AND ASSESSMENT AGRLEMENT <br />The City of Rosevil]L: Pikovsk Njjrj"j0ejjjkkjj(_ ' <br />("I'likovsky""). -ind PIK Terminal <br />Co. Lirnited Partnership ("'PIK") hereby enter I'llk) this First Aiiiendnivnt to settlement <br />Agreenrient and Assessmei-a Agreement ,is o I' NOVPniher 1 113. _21dO 13. Ci_)Ile�:tively, P'k ky and <br />P I K sh a I I lie re f'trred to as the ;`Own rs, <br />WHMEAS, on June 18, d2_012 1 the City and Lhe Owners CODS1.1171m ated a Settlement Agre erg ent <br />relative to an eminent donialn action Llicn pending in Ramsey County District Court knorW.n aS <br />C <br />IM, ofRoseipille v, XTRA Lease. Itic., c�/ a/., Court File No. 61'f2-CV-09-5l Ji I <br />WIrIEREAS, said Settlement Agreement included, as an attached Exhorbit A, an Assessment <br />Agreement between the it and the Owners regarding assessment payments for the demolition <br />I <br />of buildings on the property at 15SUe in the above-refierence eininent domain action; <br />WHEREAS, paragnapli I of the Assessrnerat Agreement incorrectly ldenLiflied the Property <br />Identifi caLion (PI D) numbers of the parcels ol' h1trid U 1 \Vh'ich the den,i,cflished bUildiiius �%,ere <br />located; <br />WHEREAS., the -incorrect recitation ot'PID numbers in the Assessmeni Agreciiierat -vas the regilt <br />f.'scrivener"s error and not the actUa"_ corltcmpjat ion and agreci-iicnt o 1� the part ic;s, and <br />\V I I L k 1. A 1-;, the C i ty and the Owners %vish to comeci 1 ,- Ideii t I I'V the P11 n Lim bers f} the parc-cls <br />oI, <br />p:t to the parties" As-;;essinezit AgrcemL:nt and, bv extension, <br />their Scttlement <br />A U, re e ni i n t. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF the promises and co enLints contained in their <br />Settlement Agreement and Assessment Agreement, the City and Iln,, 0yners here bv amend the <br />same as follows: <br />1, PaITU21'aph I c)ft ie Assessment Agreement shall state: iL' <br />[he Cit-v a,�)rees to undertake <br />the demolition of the Buildings eun-cutly existing on the OwnCIS," pi-OPULY (ICI #'s <br />04-29-233-34-000] and 04-29-23-_34-0002., collectively referred to as the `+Property"}), <br />1rl ners hereby grant trIle <br />right to the City, its contractors, agents, and employees <br />to enter the Property at all reas es F .0 <br />onably tilli r bLidd ire g demolition PUYI)oSes, and all <br />purposes ancillary thereto, as well as the riLd-it to deposit earthen materials �-vithin the <br />easement area and to move, store,. and remove equipment and sir PPliCS, and to <br />perform any other work nccessary and incidem to the pr oject.11 <br />P <br />2. All other terms, condit.ions. provisions', ,111d CIR]StS 01' the pal-tleS Settlement <br />Agreement and Assessment A..]"CeMent reim,--un Linaliered and 'M the- -Ou-il fiorm <br />and efi'ect. <br />The parties further agree that thl-s First Amendment to flic Settlement Acreement and Assess -neat L-1 C_ <br />Agreement May be executed in any nun-iher ol'eounierparts. each of which shall be deerned an <br />original, brit all 0CW1j'1Cjj COnStitutc oiie and the same i nest niment. <br />I <br />