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340A.4129 2013 Minnesota Statutes <br /> <br />this chapter. This subdivision does not prevent the granting of a license to proper lessee because the person has <br />leased the premises of a minor, a nonciti en who is not a resident alien, or a person who has been convicted of <br />crime other than a violation of this chapter. <br />Subd. 6. off- -sale licenses where 3.2 percent malt liquor is sold. An off -sale intoxicating liquor license may <br />not be issued to a place where 3.2 percent malt liquor is sold for consumption on the premises. This subdivision does <br />not apply to those places where both an on -sale and off -sale license or a combination license have been issued under <br />section 340A.46. <br />Subd. 7. Drugstores. . Igo intoxicating liquor license may be issued to a person operating a drugstore unless the <br />person has operated it for at least two years or has purchased a drugstore that has been in continuous operation for <br />two or more years. <br />Subd. 8. Expiration date. All intoxicating liquor licenses issued by a county or a city, other than cities of the <br />first class, must expire on the same date. <br />Subd. 9. License transfer. A license may be transferred with the consent of the issuing authority, provided that <br />a license issued to a location at a racetrack licensed under chapter 240 may not be transferred. where a license is held <br />by a corporation, a change in ownership of ten percent or more of the stock of the corporation must be reported in <br />writing to the authority who issued the license within ten clays of the transfer. <br />Subd. 10. Employment of minors. No person under 18 years of age may serge or sell intoxicating liquor in a <br />retail intoxicating liquor establishment. <br />Subd. 11. leissuance of licenses in certain cities. A city having territory in which the sale of intoxicating <br />liquor has been prohibited by law or charter and in which real property taken for a public purpose by negotiation or <br />eminent domain proceedings was, immediately prig to the taking, actually and lawfully used for the sale of <br />intoxicating liquor, may reissue the license previously issued to the location at any otherwise lawful location in the <br />city. A change of location due to taping after July 1, 1972, must have been accomplished by July 1, 1976, but these <br />licenses may be renewed, reissued, transferred, or relocated after that date, <br />Su. 12. off -site storage prohibition. A holder of a retail intoxicating liquor license or a municipal liquor <br />store may not store any intoxicating liquor at any location other than the licensed premises except with the written <br />permission of the commissioner. <br />Subd. 13. First cuss cities; renewal of inactive licenses prohibited. A city of the first class may not renew <br />an on -sale intoxicating liquor license if the holder of the license has not made on -sales authorized by the license at <br />any time during the one -year period immediately prior to the date of renewal. <br />Surd. 14. Exclusive liquor stores. a Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, an exclusive liquor <br />store may sell only the following items: <br />(1) alcoholic beverages; <br />(2) tobacco products; <br />(3) ice; <br />(4) beverages, either liquid or powder, specifically designated for mixing with intoxicating liquor; <br />soft drinks; <br />(6) liqueur- filled candies; <br />(7) food products that contain more than one -half of one percent alcohol by volume; <br />(8) cork extraction devices; <br />(9) boobs and videos on the use of alcoholic beverages; <br />(10) magazines and other publications published primarily for information and education on alcoholic <br />beverages; <br />(11) multiple -use bags designed to carry purchased items; <br />(12) devices designed to ensure safe storage and monitoring of alcohol in the hone, to prevent access by <br />underage drinkers; <br />(13) home brewing equipment; and <br />(14) clothing marked with the specific name, brand, or identifying logo of the exclusive liquor store, and bearing <br />2 of 3 11/20/2013 11:14 AM <br />