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gallons per quarter and would not hit the higher tier. However, a 4- person household would use <br />20,000 gallons per quarter and hit the higher tier simply because there are more people living in <br />the house. On an individual basis the 4- person household is just as conservative in their water <br />use, but they pay a higher rate nonetheless. <br />Taking this example further, let's assume that the 4- person household is even more conservative <br />and uses only 4,500 gallons per quarter, per person. This amounts to 18,000 gallons per quarter <br />which once again triggers the higher tier rate. In this example, the 4- person household pays a <br />higher rate despite having superior conservation behaviors compared to the smaller household. <br />This example underscores the policy challenge of instituting a water conservation rate structure <br />that is effective without punishing those that are already exhibiting the behavior you're trying to <br />foster. <br />