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At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Miller advised that the current contract <br /> would expire in 2013. <br /> Councilmember Pust observed that the fund had a huge reserve at this time. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: McGehee; Pust; Johnson; Willmus; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Regarding projected increases for purchase of water, Mayor Roe observed <br /> that this was basically a function of usage, with the rate based on flow, <br /> similar to that of sanitary sewer usage. <br /> Mr. Miller referenced the conservative estimate shown on page 1 of the RCA. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of increasing fees for a tier <br /> structure that would be revenue neutral, or actually reduced in 2013. <br /> Mr. Miller referred Councilmembers to staff's careful analysis of various <br /> scenarios, and unintended consequences of a three-tiered rate structure for <br /> water as originally recommended by the PWETC and further analyzed by staff <br /> for impacts to a number of customers in Roseville, including those using the <br /> retirement income rate subsidy. Mr. Miller asked that the City Council, before <br /> their decision-making, carefully review those considerations. Mr. Miller noted <br /> that the schedule detailed in the RCA reflected different philosophies; with the <br /> City providing at two-tier system at this time, and the PWEC recommending a <br /> three-tier system; with staff's report outlining impacts for determining <br /> whether or not the desired impact would be achieved. <br /> Councilmember McGehee assured Mr. Miller that she had read the report, and <br /> continued to support the three-tiered system; opining that it was long <br /> overdue for the City to implement a conservation minded system. <br /> Councilmember McGehee referenced recent Department of Natural Resources <br /> (DNR) acknowledgement of heavy water use on area aquifers; and spoke in <br /> strong support of conserving water, opining that the best way to do so would <br /> be to make that commodity cost enough to create value in saving water. <br /> Councilmember McGee noted that this could also serve to help some Roseville <br /> residents, and observed that the City currently offered an enormous senior <br /> discount that seemed to be pretty substantial. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that there were two (2) proposals for a tiered system, a <br /> revenue neutral option versus others. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Miller advised that <br /> approximately 20% of the City's single-family households were currently <br /> receiving the retirement rate. <br /> 3 <br />