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Minutes from the December 10, 2012 Council Meeting <br /> Approve 2013 Utility Rates <br /> Mayor Roe summarized discussions to-date by the City Council related to <br /> 2013 utility rate adjustments submitted by staff and the Public Works, <br /> Environment, and Transportation Commission (PWETC) for consideration. <br /> Finance Director Chris Miller referred to information submitted to-date and <br /> additional information provided by staff based on past directives regarding a <br /> tiered water usage rate, as detailed in the RCA dated December 10, 2012; <br /> and impacts to customers from rate adjustments. <br /> Mr. Miller noted staff's revisions related to City Council discussion for <br /> reduction of the recycling rate from the $6.20 recommended by staff to $6.00 <br /> per unit per month as directed by several City Council members. <br /> Mr. Miller addressed water conservation rates, and recommendations of the <br /> PWETC; and suggested that the City Council affirm the status quo for the <br /> water rate structure for 2013 and look at the broader implications of reverting <br /> back to a single consumption rate in 2014, contingent with regulations of <br /> various State regulatory agencies that have oversight of municipal water <br /> service providers. Mr. Miller reviewed recent legislative changes that he and <br /> Public Works Director Duane Schwartz had discussed that had repealed <br /> previous requirements enacted related to a conservation rate structure. Mr. <br /> Miller advised that the only requirement now was that the City could <br /> demonstrate a decline in water usage for other reasons, which the City of <br /> Roseville could demonstrate. In order for staff to obtain additional research <br /> related to a uniform system versus a three (3) tiered system, Mr. Miller <br /> reiterated staff's recommendation that it may be prudent to affirm the status <br /> quo of the City's rate structure for 2013 with the two (2) tiered system. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed her interest in Councilmember Johnson's <br /> proposal at the December 3, 2012 meeting to revert to one (1) flat water rate <br /> regardless of usage; and opined that the City use a direct pass through rate <br /> for citizens to charge them only what the City was charged, including staff <br /> time, meter costs, mailing costs for utility bills, and other operational costs. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that it didn't seem like a reasonable business <br /> model to do otherwise. Councilmember McGehee suggested using <br /> Councilmember Johnson's proposal as a basis for future discussions on using <br /> a flat rate adjusted to incorporate actual costs to the end user. As pointed out <br /> by Councilmember Johnson, just because a household uses less, it shouldn't <br /> be cheaper for anyone; and everyone - whether residential or commercial <br /> customers - should pay for operational costs. Councilmember McGehee <br /> further opined that the water rates be tabled to allow staff time for further <br /> research, as she saw no pressing need to act at this time based on the <br /> additional information brought forward by staff for tonight' s meeting. <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised that he too would like to further explore a <br /> fa , m ttr rate <br /> should lat r te;be enacted however tonight he suggested rather than that tabling other ite the s issue beyond in its he entirety.wae <br /> 7 <br />