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incur a major structural change affecting all St. Paul Regional Water Utility <br /> customers across the board, including Roseville. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Miller advised that the 2012 rate from St. <br /> Paul Regional Water Utility was somewhat less than projected; however, he <br /> anticipated that the City could realize a rate increase in 2013, and needed to <br /> be alert for that. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked that staff display historical data of what the <br /> City Council had done to its utility rate structure; and address whether or not <br /> the conservation rate structure had worked. Councilmember McGehee opined <br /> that her perception of the current structure served to subsidize individuals in <br /> the community using excessive amount of water. <br /> Mayor Roe asked that such a discussion be part of future agenda topics, and <br /> refocused discussion on the motion currently before the body to set 2012 <br /> water consumption rates, with other discussion not germane to that motion. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Miller confirmed that the <br /> water consumption rate could be revised at any time and at the discretion of <br /> the City Council. Mr. Miller advised that the only difficulty would be in staff's <br /> ability to communicate that message to residents in a timely manner between <br /> quarterly billings, noting that staff was fielding considerable questions from <br /> residents at this time on what they should expect for rates. <br /> McGehee moved a friendly amendment to the original motion that <br /> these items of discussion be included on the February 11, 2013 <br /> meeting for further exploration and 2012 usage analysis, allowing for <br /> full discussion of the issues raised tonight. Makers of the original <br /> motion (Willmus/Etten) accepted this friendly amendment. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe as to whether or not all information would be <br /> available at that time, Mr. Miller advised that staff would not have December <br /> 2012 usage available on all City accounts until the end of March; however, he <br /> confirmed that he would have information on how much water the City had <br /> purchased from St. Paul Regional Water Utility at that time, but not all <br /> specific customer consumption information. <br /> Roll Call (as amended) <br /> Ayes: McGehee; Willmus; Laliberte; Etten; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> At the request of Finance Director Miller for the specific additional information <br /> being requested beyond the philosophical questions, Mayor Roe asked that he <br /> clarify that with Councilmember McGehee and other individual <br /> Councilmembers outside the meeting, given the lateness of the hour and <br /> additional agenda items still pending. <br /> 12 <br />