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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2, 2013 <br /> Page 14 <br /> dollars to fund the position. Councilmember Etten opined that the City could <br /> fund a full-time position; and noted that he would support a part-time position on- <br /> ly with the understanding that it would be expanded in the short-term to a full- <br /> time position and serve all departments actively. <br /> Councilmember Willmus concurred with the majority of Councilmember Etten's <br /> statements; and expressed that his only concern was that the City look to a full- <br /> time position based on the benefit to the City. Councilmember Willmus noted <br /> that his only concern was in funding the position and how to fund it moving for- <br /> ward; and opined that he would leave that door open at this time pending further <br /> budget and levy discussions. <br /> Councilmember McGehee seconded the comments of Councilmember Etten, <br /> opining that a pilot program was not needed nor was there any need to reinvent <br /> the program. Councilmember McGehee opined that a qualified, competent person <br /> could make contact with staff and assimilate programs using models from other <br /> communities for a citywide Roseville program. Councilmember McGehee spoke <br /> in support of a full-time position versus a part-time position; and expressed less <br /> concern about funding the position compared to the benefit to be derived from the <br /> position. Councilmember McGehee referenced the comments of Mr. Toogood <br /> and the extensive volunteer pool available to the City. <br /> Councilmember Etten suggested that more funds from the contingency fund be <br /> used to fund this position as full-time; opining that a projected $80,000 to $85,000 <br /> seemed more than was needed in the City's current organizational structure, and <br /> opined that hiring could be done at a lower point than projected. <br /> Specific to the proposed revamping of the current merit pay system, Coun- <br /> cilmember Etten suggested that a one-time bonus program may be more appropri- <br /> ate. <br /> Mayor Roe expressed his support for a full-time position; however, he did not <br /> suggest that such a position would be possible January 1, 2014, but should be fea- <br /> sible later in the year after responsibilities, a wage range and salary are clearly de- <br /> termined before authorizing the position. From his perspective, Mayor Roe <br /> opined that this position would provide a definite benefit to the organization by <br /> coordinating volunteers and maintaining their interest and provide a huge civic <br /> engagement benefit and connections to the community on a person-to-person ba- <br /> sis. As an example, Mayor Roe considered when the City Council advertised for <br /> Advisory Commission members and were not getting responses, this position <br /> could research potential candidates based on database interests and skills. Mayor <br /> Roe reiterated his support for the full-time position as long as it did not start until <br /> clarification of responsibilities and other details. <br />