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CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS <br />PROPRIETARY FUNDS <br />For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 <br />CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES <br />Cash received from customers and users, including deposits <br />Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services <br />Cash payments to employees <br />Other operating revenues <br />Net cash provided (used) by operating activities <br />CASH FLOWS FROM NON - CAPITAL <br />FINANCING ACTIVITIES <br />Transfers from (to) other funds <br />Cash borrowed from (repaid to) other funds <br />Subsidy from governmental grants <br />Net cash provided (used) by non - capital <br />financing activities <br />CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND <br />RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES <br />Purchase of capital assets <br />Proceeds from the sale of assets <br />Capital grants <br />Net cash provided (used) for capital and related <br />financing activities <br />CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES <br />Interest received on investments <br />Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents <br />Cash and cash equivalents, January 1 <br />Cash and cash equivalents, December 31 <br />RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET <br />CASH PROVIDED (USED) BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES: <br />Operating income (loss) <br />Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) <br />to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: <br />Depreciation <br />Prior period adjustment <br />Changes in elements affecting cash: <br />(Increase) Decrease Accounts receivable <br />(Increase) Decrease Special assessments <br />(Increase) Decrease Due from other governments <br />Increase (Decrease) Accounts payable <br />Increase (Decrease) Accrued payroll <br />Increase (Decrease) Compensated absences <br />Increase (Decrease) Due to other governments <br />Increase (Decrease) Contracts payable <br />Increase (Decrease) Unearned Revenue <br />Increase (Decrease) Insurance claim payable <br />Increase (Decrease) Customer deposits <br />Increase (Decrease) Net OPEB Payable <br />Total adjustments <br />Net cash provided (used) by operating activities <br />The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. <br />0 <br />(25,000) <br />Business -Type <br />0 <br />Sanitary <br />(250,089) <br />Golf <br />Solid Waste <br />Storm <br />Sewer <br />Water <br />Course <br />Recycling <br />Drainage <br />$ 3,693,585 $ <br />6,505,885 $ <br />297,811 <br />$ 389,004 $ <br />1,430,451 <br />(2,858,188) <br />(5,562,616) <br />(98,736) <br />(516,024) <br />(534,034) <br />(335,539) <br />(554,004) <br />(239,196) <br />(33,230) <br />(299,000) <br />0 <br />520 <br />13,786 <br />86,935 <br />6,405 <br />499,858 <br />389,785 <br />(26,335) <br />(73,315) <br />603,822 <br />0 <br />(25,000) <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />(250,089) <br />250,089 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />104,891 <br />0 <br />(250,089) <br />225,089 <br />0 <br />104,891 <br />0 <br />(720,859) <br />(534,934) <br />(14,396) <br />0 <br />(316,311) <br />0 <br />2,675 <br />2,709 <br />0 <br />42,000 <br />20,858 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />(700,001) <br />(532,259) <br />(11,687) <br />0 <br />(274,311) <br />11,512 <br />297 <br />3,817 <br />2,016 <br />30,571 <br />(438,720) <br />82,912 <br />(34,205) <br />33,592 <br />360,082 <br />653,940 <br />843,544 <br />391,242 <br />136,342 <br />2,614,527 <br />$ 215,220 $ <br />926,456 $ <br />357,037 $ <br />169,934 $ <br />2,974,609 <br />$ 102,405 $ <br />300,013 $ <br />(60,963) $ <br />(95,854) $ <br />526,222 <br />252,114 <br />250,117 <br />26,754 <br />0 <br />306,585 <br />0 <br />184,124 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />(197,712) <br />(92,756) <br />0 <br />22,680 <br />(89,936) <br />(42,837) <br />0 <br />26 <br />0 <br />0 <br />265,686 <br />(275,108) <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />164,964 <br />(20,190) <br />3,762 <br />(276) <br />(14,454) <br />(740) <br />(1,319) <br />(1,336) <br />(118) <br />(722) <br />(5,175) <br />(4,278) <br />(2,366) <br />0 <br />(2,386) <br />7,567 <br />(6,711) <br />1,191 <br />253 <br />(111,440) <br />163,342 <br />(43,511) <br />0 <br />0 <br />(16,644) <br />(153,870) <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />(72,379) <br />82,912 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />16,493 <br />16,492 <br />6,597 <br />0 <br />6,597 <br />397,453 <br />89,772 <br />34,628 <br />22,539 <br />77,600 <br />$ 499,858 $ <br />389,785 $ <br />(26,335) $ <br />(73,315) $ <br />603,822 <br />40 <br />