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CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31, 2012 <br />NOTE 5 -OTHER INFORMATION (Continued) <br />E. Annual pension cost and net pension obligation <br />The annual pension cost and net pension obligation for the current year were as follows: <br />Annual required contribution $ 298,233 <br />Interest on net pension obligation (8,139) <br />Adjustment to annual required contribution 22,901 <br />Annual pension cost 312,995 <br />Contributions made (353,384) <br />Increase (decrease) in net pension obligation (40,389) <br />Negative net pension obligation beginning of year (162,774) <br />Negative net pension obligation end of year $ (203,163) <br />The annual required contribution was determined as part of the January 1, 2012 actuarial valuation. The <br />actuarial assumptions included (a) 5% investment rate of return (net of administrative expenses); (b) a <br />mortality table of the 1983 Group Annuity Mortality Table for Males and Females; (c) termination of <br />6 percent rate from age 20 -30, grading to no terminations after age 50; (d) disability rates based upon 75 <br />percent of the Railroad Retirement Board Disability Rates; (e) entry age actuarial cost method based <br />upon age on employment date; (f) retirement age based upon the later of age 55 or 20 years of service; <br />(g) 85 percent of members are assumed to be married, with wives three years younger than husbands; (h) <br />normal form of payment based upon joint and 100 percent to survivor annuity; (i) asset basis based upon <br />market value; and (j) level dollar amortization which is sufficient to amortize the unfunded actuarial <br />accrued liability by a closed period ending December 31, 2011 and a closed period of 11 years for Plan <br />amendments. <br />The Fire Relief Association is required to have an actuarial valuation completed once every two years. <br />The latest actuarial value of plan liability on December 31, 2011 was $8,750,652. The value of the plan <br />assets, valued at market, totaled $7,402,826 on December 31, 2011. A six -year summary of Assets, <br />Liabilities and funding ratios are listed below: <br />Year <br />2006 <br />2007 <br />2008 <br />2009 <br />2010 <br />2011 <br />Actuarial <br />Value of <br />Assets <br />$ 8,007,93 5 <br />8,328,320 <br />5,749,103 <br />6,784,350 <br />7,525,091 <br />7,402, 826 <br />December 31, 2011 <br />Actuarial Unfunded <br />Accrued Liability (Overfunded) <br />(Entry Age) Accrued Liability <br />- <br />$ 9,197,703 $ 1,189,768 <br />8,336,812 8,492 <br />8,568,192 <br />2,81909 <br />8,651,694 <br />1,867,344 <br />8,798,831 <br />1,274,740 <br />8,750,652 <br />1,347,826 <br />71 <br />Funded <br />Ratio <br />87.06% <br />99.90% <br />67.10% <br />78.42% <br />85.51% <br />84.60% <br />