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CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS <br />COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS <br />For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 <br />CASH FLOWS FROM <br />OPERATING ACTIVITIES <br />Cash received from users, including deposits <br />Cash payments to suppliers for good and services <br />Cash payments to employees and others for <br />resolved claims <br />Other operating revenues <br />Net cash provided (used) by <br />operating activities <br />CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL <br />FINANCING ACTIVITIES <br />Transfers from (to) other funds <br />CASH FLOWS FROM <br />INVES'T'ING ACTIVITIES <br />Investment income <br />Net increase (decrease) in <br />cash and cash equivalents <br />Cash and cash equivalents, January 1 <br />Cash and cash equivalents, December 31 <br />Reconciliation of operating income (loss) to <br />net cash (used) by operating income: <br />Operating (loss) <br />Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) <br />to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: <br />Changes in elements affecting cash <br />(Increase) Decrease in accounts receivable <br />Increase (Decrease) in accounts payable <br />Increase (Decrease) in insurance claim payable <br />Net cash provided (used) by <br />operating activities <br />'i <br />Workers' <br />Compensation <br />Self - Insurance <br />Risk <br />Fund <br />Management Total <br />$ 1003000 <br />$ 169,910 $ 269,910 <br />(325690) <br />(113,363) (146,053) <br />(140,796) (1785045) (315,841) <br />0 436 436 <br />(73,486) (12102) (194,548) <br />0 (12,248) (121248) <br />653037 10,501 75,535 <br />(8,449) (122,809) (131,258) <br />2083460 886,598 239759058 <br />$ 2,080,011 $ 7633789 $ 2,8438800 <br />(21,959) $ (23,277) $ (45,236) <br />0 (350) (350) <br />(4,117) 379 (3,738) <br />(47,410) (97,514 (145,2241 <br />$ (73,486) $ (1215062) $ 1941548) <br />