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Section 1. Declaration of Policy <br /> The proper operation of democratic government requires that Public Officials be <br /> independent, impartial and responsible to the people; that government decisions and <br /> policy be made in the proper channels of the government structure; that public office not <br /> be used for personal gain; and that the public have confidence in the integrity of its <br /> government. <br /> In recognition of these goals, there is hereby established a Code of Ethics for all Public <br /> Officials of the City of Roseville. The purpose of this Code is to establish ethical <br /> standards of conduct for all such officials by setting forth those acts or actions that are <br /> incompatible with the best interests of the City, and by directing disclosure by such <br /> officials of private financial or other interests in matters affecting the City. The <br /> provisions and purpose of this Code and such rules and regulations as may be established <br /> are in the best interests of the City of Roseville. <br /> Recognizing that education on ethics in government is the key to having good <br /> government, this code requires that annual training be held to discuss the meaning of this <br /> code with Public Officials, and in addition such training shall involve trained experts on <br /> government ethics. The City Manager shall be the coordinator for the annual training. <br /> The training will keep the subject of ethics in government fresh in everyone's mind. <br /> (amended 5-23-2011) <br /> To increase the awareness and understanding of the importance of ethical considerations <br /> and behavior among the public as well as government employees, communication of the <br /> role of the ethics commission and this Code must occur at least annually in local <br /> newspapers and the Roseville website as determined by the City Manager. Additionally, <br /> this Code of Ethics shall be reviewed annually to determine if modifications are <br /> appropriate. <br /> Section 2. Definitions of Terms <br /> Public Official <br /> Any person that has been elected to office, appointed to a City board or commission, or <br /> hired by the City to serve as a department head or assistant department head. <br /> Public Officials include the following: <br /> a. Members of the City Council and Mayor; <br /> b. The department head and assistant department head of each City <br /> department; <br /> 2 <br />