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<br />. . ~ -." <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />--. <br /> <br />'C <br />i <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />I <br />z <br /> <br />:.:. <br />c <br />o <br />.. <br />en <br />:;) <br />CD <br />Jl <br />5 <br /> <br />~ <br />If <br /> <br />o(\~ <br />\9- <br />~ <br /> <br />CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL REPORT . <br />(All of tM InfolmatJon In this report Is pubUc Information) <br />PUlSUant to Minnesota sr.n.n.. 211.4004, .wd. 1 and 211B.15, .,bd. 12. <br /> <br />this CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL REPORT I. to be used by candidate., committ... and corporation. required by Mimesota <br />Statutes, Chapters 211 A and 211 B to file such a report. Thi.lnclude. candidate. and committees who receive contributions <br />or make disbursements of more than $750 In a calendar year; individuals and corporations spe!~ing more than $750 for <br />or against a ballot question In a calendar year; and corporations spending more than $200 on activities to encourage <br />participation In precinct caucuses, voter registration, or voting. (For aupplementallnformation, ... page four.) Candidate. <br />and committee. for state constitutional offices, the state legislature, aupreme court, court of appeals, district court, and <br />committees for state constitutional amendments are not lncIuclecl. Candidate. and committees for U.S. senator and U.S. <br />representative may file copies of the reports required by the Federal Election Commission In Ueu of this report. <br /> <br />this report Is to be filed with the filing officer designated In Minnesota Statutes 211 A.01, aubdlvlsion 7; questions about <br />completing and filing this report may be direc:ted to that filing officer. The filing officer for county offices Is the county <br />auditor; for municipal offices, the municipal clerk; and for school district offices, the school district clerk. <br /> <br /> <br />Name of candidate, committee, oroorporatlon vJ ; s- K i V 0 \ '^-'^ -t Q.~y- Co vt\W'\', -\h~-Q.. <br />O1rlououghtby canddata Rose-'\(\ \\e. <2.. ~ ~'/ C!>v..'4\c..',' DIatr!ct <br />(If 1ppl1cabIe) '7 <br />Identification of ballot question <br />(If -Wllcable) <br />Type of report <br /> <br />Candidate report <br />X Campaign committee report <br />AssocIation or corporation report <br />Final report I <br />Period of time covered by report from 0 9 / {7 7'..3 <br />( I <br /> <br />to <br /> <br />(j9ho/7~ <br />/ I <br /> <br />SUMMARY STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES <br />FOR CANDIDATES AND COMMITTEES <br /> <br />MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS (Exhblt A) <br />ALL OTHER CONTRIBUllONS RECEIVED (Exhibit B) <br />EXPENDITURES (exhibit C) <br /> <br />TOTAL FOR <br />THIS REPORT <br />1.~~.98 <br />tJ.7Q.oO <br />/yS'5;).,98 <br /> <br />SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND <br />EXPENDITURES FORCORPORAnONS <br /> <br />TOTAL FOR <br />THIS REPORT <br /> <br />CORPORATION PROJECT EXPENDITURES (Exhblt D) <br /> <br />-0 - <br /> <br />I do.,.,.., (or afllrm) 1hat I am a candldat8 for plbllc office<< an ottIcer of 1M IN ; s K., "0 I \A"""" +~cz....--r <br /> <br /> <br />