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<br />Page 3 <br /> <br />EXPENDITURES <br />(Exhibit C) <br /> <br />lncIud. every disbursem.nt made for . political purpose during period of time by report. Minnesota Statutes <br />211A.07 prohibits the paym.nt of any bill. charg.. ot daim that Is not pr.sented within 60 days after the material or service <br />.provided. Mimesota Statute. 211B.12 limits the type of political .xpenditures which may be made. Expenditures <br />permitted ar.: 1) salari.s. wages. and f..s; 2) communications. mailing, nnsportation and travel; ~ campaign advertising; <br />4) printing; 5) office and other space WId necessary equipm.nt, furnishings, and incidental supplies; 6) charitable <br />contributions of not more than $100 to any charity annually; and 7) other .xpen.... not included aboY., that are r.asonably <br />related to the conduct of .lection campaigns. Expenditur.. mad. for the purpose of providing information to constitu.nts <br />are 8180 permitted .xpense.. Attach additional sheets If nec>>uary. <br /> <br />DatI8 PurpoM Amount <br /> - <br /> <br />Total expenditures $ <br /> <br />CORPORATE PROJECT EXPENDITURES <br />(Exhi~it D) . <br /> <br />List arty media project or corporat. m.ssag. project for which contribution(s) or expenditure(s) total more than $200. A <br />..parate report must be .ubmitted for .ach project that .xceeds the $200 level. Ust the date, purpose. and names and <br />addr..... of the person(s) receiving the contribution or .xpenditur. and the amount r.ceived. <br /> <br />-0 - <br /> <br />Project titI. or description <br /> <br />Date Purpose Name and addr... expenditure or <br /> Contribution <br /> amount <br /> <br />Tota! expp~ditures $ <br /> <br />-0 - <br />