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<br />.- <br /> <br />.~,. <br /> <br />NJ <br /> <br />1: <br />i- <br />ce <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />G) <br />E <br />t'lI <br />Z <br /> <br />>. <br />c <br />o <br />G) <br />'" <br />:) <br />C) <br />.!i <br />- <br />(5 <br />- <br />o <br /> <br />~~/ <br />~\i <br /> <br />CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL REPORT . <br />(All of the information in this report is public information) <br />Pursuanttl:J MinM:Jota StJJtuta211A.04, subd. 1.,.;2118.15,.,bd. 12. <br /> <br />ThIs CAMPAIGN FlNANCIAL REPORT Is 10 be used by candidate., committee. and corporations required by Minnesota <br />Statutes, Chapters 211 A and 211 B 10 file such a report. This includes candidate. and committees who receive contributions <br />or make disbursements of more 1han $750 In a calendar year, Individuals and corporations sper,ding more than $750 for <br />or against . ballot question in . calendar year; and corporations spending more than $200 on activities 10 encourage <br />participation in precinct caucuses, voter registration, or voting. (For supplemental information, see page four.) Candidatas <br />and committees for state constitutional offices, the state legislature, supreme court, court of appeals, district court, and <br />committees for state constitutional amendments are not included. Candidates and committe.. for U.S. senator and U.s. <br />..-presentative may file copies of the reports required by the Federal Election Commission in Heu of this report. <br /> <br />ThIs report is 10 be flied with the fiUng officer designated in Minnesota Statutas 211A.01, subdivision 7; questions about <br />completing and filing 1his report may be directed 10 that filing officer. The filing officer for county offices Is the county <br />auditor; for municipal office.. the municipal cierk; and for -=001 district offices, the school district clerk. <br /> <br />C.c Yt\ "'" -; +ca.. ~ <br /> <br />Name of candidate, oommittH, or corporation uJ i s- K., V 0 \ VI- ",--t- Q..t2- ~ <br />0fIIce sought by candda18 R 0 S"~ \I ; (/ e.. c.. ~ tv C, IA. V\ c:.. r, \ DIa1rIct <br />(If llppIiCllt*) ! <br />identification of ballot question <br />(If applicable) <br />Type of report <br />.x <br />. <br /> <br />Candlclate report <br />Campaign commIttM report <br />Aaodatlon or corporation l'8pOtt <br />Final report A <br />Period of time covered by ~ from Ie h-..r.. '73 <br />, f <br /> <br />/;;;Z/o.;J.../9.:3 <br />I f <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />SUMMARY STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES <br />FOR CANDIDATES AND COMMITTEES <br /> <br />TOTAL FOR <br />THIS REPORT <br /> <br />MI-JOR CONTRIBUTORS (Exhb/t A) <br />AL1. OTHER CONTRIBUi1ONS RECEIVED (ExhIbit B) <br />EXPENDITURES (&hltltt C) <br /> <br />-0- <br /> <br />/, ;too.DO <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />11 ~ io~.91- <br /> <br />SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND <br />EXPENDITURES FOR CORPORAnONS <br /> <br />CORPORATION PROJECT EXPENDITURES (ExhbJt D) <br /> <br />TOTAL FOR <br />THIS REPORT <br />-0- <br /> <br />l~ 01 Clftcer here) . <br />Committee or corporate office held ~ 01.. S \A. -(" ~-<" <br />Ae.tD *-. *V'-d... Q...~ S- ~ v-- <br /> <br />Address J;;) 4- a t.U ~ \ \ <:) ~ lo...V'Q... <br /> <br />--1<o~~'4 \ \\~ I rl\.rtJ .!~";' <br />