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• <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 06, 2014 <br /> Page 23 <br /> In response to Councilmember Etten, Councilmember Laliberte noted the very <br /> different charges of the two bodies; and rather suggested if a Community En- <br /> gagement Commission moved out of the HRC as a task force, the HRC would <br /> then need a period of time to get back to their core mission without being com- <br /> bined with yet another commission. Councilmember Laliberte respectfully asked <br /> that such a combination not be considered at this time. <br /> Councilmember McGehee concurred with Councilmember Laliberte. <br /> Councilmember Etten clarified that he deeply believed in the charge of the HRC; <br /> and seriously took into consideration the comments of his colleagues, and would <br /> not advocate such at combination at this time. <br /> Ethics <br /> Councilmember Laliberte reviewed the apparent consensus to leave everything as <br /> is at this time for their membership and meeting frequency. <br /> Discussion included the ability for the Commission to meet more frequently at <br /> their discretion, with quarterly meetings being the proposed minimum. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that if more clarification was needed for their charge that <br /> would need to be addressed in the near future. <br /> Broader Discussion <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that staff ensure that incoming members to an advisory <br /> commission be guided and oriented as to the role of the advisory commission, ap- <br /> plicable codes and their interaction with the overall organization, suggesting that <br /> this orientation be done by another member of the advisory commission beyond <br /> the Chairperson. <br /> Councilmember Etten concurred with Mayor Roe's comments; noting the need to <br /> break down information for each advisory commission with clear links for educa- <br /> tional opportunities or key aspects of information needed to prepare them to <br /> serve. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte concurred that new members should receive necessary <br /> orientation. <br /> Interim City Manager Trudgeon advised that most members are receiving orienta- <br /> tion; however he wasn't sure that it was all at the same level. Mr. Trudgeon noted <br /> the need to emphasize uniformity or consistency across the board; and suggested a <br /> group discussion at the staff level with other departments to review a minimum <br /> level for the operation. <br />