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2014_0212_Ethics Packet
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Ethics Commission
2014_0212_Ethics Packet
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 06, 2014 <br />Page 10 <br />Ciry Attorney Bartholdi advised that his office would be in discussion with the <br />Ethics Commission. <br />Chair Fjelstad advised that the Commission had also held conversations about <br />how best to change the process if the complaint concerned the Ciry Manager, City <br />Council or Mayor; opining that the current process was not as clear as it could be. <br />Chair Fjelstad advised that the Commission's intent was to ask Interim Ciry Man- <br />ager Trudgeon to set up another discussion about the process; and how to address <br />dismissal or withdrawal of a case, since current language did not allow a case to <br />be withdrawn or define a clear process to follow if doing so. <br />Mayor Roe opined that this discussion made perfect sense given the withdrawal of <br />the previous case. <br />Councilmember Willmus concurred, opining that it made sense at that time, and <br />still does. <br />Vice Chair Lehman questioned how the Ciry Council envisioned a process if the <br />complaint was made against the entire City Council, since they were the ultimate <br />decision-makers; and how the Ethics Commission should establish their discus- <br />sions. <br />Mayor Roe responded that, as part of the process, ethics investigations against <br />elected officials or elected bodies, subsequently enforced by the body itself, with <br />those being held to the standard are the actual deciders of the sanctions. Mayor <br />Roe further noted that part of the reason may not be bad, with political ramifica- <br />tions serving as the backstop for the process with elected officials, individual <br />Councilmembers or the City Manager; but supported having further discussion. <br />Councilmember Etten spoke in support of discussions tonight retaining more <br />strength to the Ethics Commission with the current higher standard of proof ver- <br />sus a reduced standard. <br />Councilmember Laliberte concurred, opining that if clear and convincing evi- <br />dence standards were maintained, if provided less wiggle room for the group as a <br />whole if it reaches that level. Having not been on the City Council that the time <br />the previous formal complaint came forward, Councilmember Laliberte sought <br />clarification on the final action, with Mayor Roe advising that the City Council <br />took action to dismiss the complaint. <br />At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Vice Chair Lehman confirmed that, <br />in hindsight, the process needed additional work from the perspective of the <br />Commission. <br />
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