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2/20/2014 3:36:54 PM
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2/20/2014 3:31:00 PM
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crosswalks. However, there may an opportunity to have pedestrian countdown signals <br />installed to assist the pedestrians in crossing the street. Also, if approved, the new trail and <br />ped ramp in the southwest corner of County Road B and Cleveland will provide a paved <br />surface up to the existing pedestrian button that will make it easier to access that button to <br />bring up the WALK symbol. <br />5. Consistent green arrow favoring left turn from Cleveland Ave facing north onto Cty B <br />westbound, especially during rush hour (sometimes we get the green arrow during rush hour, <br />and sometimes we do not). There were several complaints of difficulty seeing speeding cars <br />coming off highways southbound on Cleveland with rounded hill and blocked view with turn <br />lane in opposite direction. <br />Staff will work with Mn /DOT to ensure that the left turn arrow is available to left turners <br />during every cycle. One alternative would be to convert the left turn signal to being able to <br />turn left only on a green arrow (referred to as PROTECTED ONLY, whereby currently the <br />signal is operating as a PROTECTED /PERMISSIVE option). There may some other ways to <br />operate this to provide a more consistent operation and expectation for the left turn arrow. <br />Again, staff will workwith Mn /DOT and try to get something implemented this summer. <br />6. Amore prominent "No Outlet" sign that is visible before entering this section of Cty B (at the <br />intersection of Cleveland Ave and Cty B) so that car and truck drivers can be forewarned in <br />time (often these vehicles drive all the way to the end, not realizing its a dead end, and then <br />speed out of our neighborhood). <br />Currently there are two DEAD END signs posted on County Road B just west of Cleveland. It <br />MAY be possible to move these a little closer to Cleveland Ave, but by a significant amount. <br />The real struggle is trying to communicate the DEAD END /NO OUTLET condition to vehicles <br />BEFORE they turn. There may be some options, but we need to work with Mn /DOT and <br />Ramsey County to determine what they would allow on their facilities. Again, staff will try to <br />get something implemented, if allowed, this summer. <br />SWARN is a non- profit volunteer effort to empower Roseville neighborhoods. To join SWARN, please visit htto: / /swarn. info <br />or contact Gary Grefenberg at QQrefenberQPcomcast. net or 651 - 645 -6161. <br />
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