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City of Roseville — 2014 Budget <br />Expenditures recorded include golf course operating expenditures such as wages, salaries and benefits, <br />supplies, and other charges, which include utilities, professional services, memberships, and other <br />similar uses and certain capital expenditures for maintaining the course in a reasonable condition. <br />Description: Storm Drainage Fund accounts for revenues and expenditures related to City's storm <br />drainage distribution system operations. <br />Revenues primarily consist of storm drainage fees collected from system users. Other revenues include; <br />investment income, and other miscellaneous revenues sources. <br />Expenditures recorded include storm system operating expenditures such as wages, salaries and benefits, <br />supplies, and other charges, which include utilities, professional services, memberships, and other <br />similar uses and certain capital expenditures for maintaining the system. <br />Description: Recycling Fund accounts for revenues and expenditures related to the City's recycling <br />operations. <br />Revenues primarily consist of recycling fees collected from system users and grants from assessments <br />collected by Ramsey County. Other revenues include; investment income, and other miscellaneous <br />revenues sources. <br />Expenditures recorded include recycling operating expenditures, collection fees paid to the contracted <br />hauler \collector and certain capital expenditures for maintaining the system. <br />Fund Type: Agency Funds <br />General Description: Agency Funds: Funds used to report resources held by the City in a purely <br />custodial capacity. <br />Description: Cemetery Fund accounts for the fiscal activities of a cemetery under the ownership of the <br />Islamic Cemetery Association. <br />Revenues consist of interest earnings on investments. Expenditures include general grounds <br />maintenance. <br />137 <br />