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City of Roseville — 2014 Budget <br />City of Roseville <br />Demographic and Economic Statistics <br />Last Ten Fiscal Years <br />(1) Population and per capita income figures, other than census year, are estimates provided by the Metropolitan <br />Council. The last census was taken in the year 2010. <br />(2) This estimated personal income number is calculated by taking the per capita personal income of Ramsey County <br />and multiplying it by the City population. Also see note (3) regarding the Per Capita Personal Income figures. <br />(3) The per capita personal income used is for that of Ramsey County, in which the city resides, the smallest region <br />applicable to the City that this information is available for. In addition, the 2009 - 2011 figures are an estimate for the <br />State of Minnesota provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis as there were no other relavent estimates available <br />at the time of this report. <br />(4) The City is served by two independent school districts. <br />District #623 covers approximately 67% of the City, while District #621 covers approximately 33% of the City. <br />Accordingly, not all students enrolled in District #621 live in the City of Roseville. <br />Information is provided by the Roseville and Moundsview School Districts. <br />(5) Annual average unemployment provided by the Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development <br />142 <br />Estimated (2) <br />Personal <br />Per <br />Income <br />Capita <br />School <br />School <br />Fiscal <br />(amounts expressed <br />Personal <br />Enrollment <br />Enrollment <br />Unemployment <br />Year <br />Population (1) <br />in whole dollars) <br />income (3) <br />District #623 (4) <br />District #621 (4) <br />Rate (5) <br />2003 <br />341080 <br />$ 1125217801800 $ <br />361760 <br />61522 <br />101316 <br />3.8% <br />2004 <br />341080 <br />1134116951520 <br />391369 <br />61255 <br />101006 <br />3.8% <br />2005 <br />331882 <br />1138511971806 <br />401883 <br />61383 <br />101456 <br />3.4% <br />2006 <br />331969 <br />1131510071928 <br />381712 <br />61396 <br />91929 <br />3.4% <br />2007 <br />331969 <br />1159318831946 <br />441852 <br />61420 <br />91705 <br />3.9% <br />2008 <br />341099 <br />1160218201426 <br />471005 <br />61486 <br />91792 <br />5.7% <br />2009 <br />341099 <br />1163210801437 <br />471863 <br />61400 <br />91674 <br />7.0% <br />2010 <br />341178 <br />1,561,148,506 <br />451677 <br />61444 <br />91849 <br />5.5% <br />2011 <br />331660 <br />1158212891280 <br />471008 <br />61588 <br />91765 <br />4.5% <br />2012 <br />331807 <br />1164419471199 <br />481657 <br />61804 <br />91948 <br />4.4% <br />(1) Population and per capita income figures, other than census year, are estimates provided by the Metropolitan <br />Council. The last census was taken in the year 2010. <br />(2) This estimated personal income number is calculated by taking the per capita personal income of Ramsey County <br />and multiplying it by the City population. Also see note (3) regarding the Per Capita Personal Income figures. <br />(3) The per capita personal income used is for that of Ramsey County, in which the city resides, the smallest region <br />applicable to the City that this information is available for. In addition, the 2009 - 2011 figures are an estimate for the <br />State of Minnesota provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis as there were no other relavent estimates available <br />at the time of this report. <br />(4) The City is served by two independent school districts. <br />District #623 covers approximately 67% of the City, while District #621 covers approximately 33% of the City. <br />Accordingly, not all students enrolled in District #621 live in the City of Roseville. <br />Information is provided by the Roseville and Moundsview School Districts. <br />(5) Annual average unemployment provided by the Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development <br />142 <br />