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3/20/2014 8:43:56 AM
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3/20/2014 8:22:46 AM
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Attachment A <br />Goal: Expand City Recycling Services to interested Institutions and Small Businesses on a voluntary basis. <br />Background: <br />Currently there is interest from multiple churches and one small business for recycling. These properties have been <br />using the blue recycling bins through the Roseville system for the past three years, while not paying the quarterly fee. <br />To expand the service to these interested properties, the city will have to create a recycling fee schedule based on <br />volume and composition percentage. Currently recycling for small businesses and institutions has been left up to the <br />property owner to select on the free market. <br />Each of the interested properties understand that they weren't being charged in the old system, and now they will <br />charged on their utility bill like all other properties receiving this service. There were no objections about the potential <br />cost, and they liked the additional choice this provided them. <br />Moving Forward: <br />Eureka will drop off carts free of charge to the property owners that are interested, after the city gives Eureka the go- <br />ahead that the property has been added into system for billing. Currently we have 9,611 residential units (single family) <br />at a rate of $2.22 /month. For each property, Eureka will add one more unit to the list and charge us the same $2.22 rate <br />for properties that have roughly the same composition percentage and volume as a single family unit. The interested <br />properties referenced above would fit under this single family rate. <br />Utility billing has been approached about this expansion and does not see any issue with adding the recycling fee to <br />interested property owners. <br />Further Expansion: <br />Eureka suggested that if Roseville wants to expand its services further, the city should put together a list of institutional <br />and small business categories such as: churches with no schools; churches with schools; small business hair salon; small <br />business bar; etc. This list would be sent to Eureka's leadership team to determine a fair market cost to pick up these <br />different categories since they will have different volumes and weights (example: a bar will have more bottles and the <br />weight will be much different than the plastic bottles at a hair salon). A draft list of institutions and business are <br />attached. The list was created using Roseville's City Code, and also by adding in additional properties as needed. <br />Recommendation: <br />For the initial interested properties, their recycling volume and composition percentage is in line with an average <br />residential lot, so the city should charge them $5.00 per quarter and have Eureka deliver them a 96 gallon cart. <br />Work with the Public Works Commission, City Council, and Eureka Recycling to finalize the recycling fee schedule so it <br />can be offered city wide to interested property owners. <br />Roseville Recycling Expansion. docxR: \PubIicWorks\ Engineering \Solid Waste\ Recycling\ Eureka Recycling 2014_2016 \Roseville Recycling Expansion.docx <br />
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