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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 3, 2014 <br /> Page 11 <br /> to help spread the word and alert the business community to opportunies they <br /> offered; and <br /> The City and School Districts working together to emphasize vocational and work <br /> skills training and preparation in the schools, as he and City Manager Trudgeon <br /> had recently discussed. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that a joint meeting with the School Boards would provide an <br /> opportunity to influence decision-making outside this jurisdiction. <br /> 3) <br /> Chair Maschka suggested facilitating opportunities, with varying topics of interest <br /> and extending invitations, opining that the wonderful OVAL facility would be a per- <br /> fect venue. <br /> HRA Member Elkins noted, as most of the HRA Board and some Councilmem- <br /> bers were aware, she was a strong advocate for workforce housing; and opined <br /> that it would be great to get local businesses on board and show them how it <br /> worked and advantages of having their workers living in Roseville; perhaps even <br /> by providing a model for them. Mayor Roe concurred that the opportunities <br /> would continue as redevelopment occurred in Roseville, another discussion topic <br /> he and City Manager Trudgeon had shared earlier today as well. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Acting HRA Director Jeanne Kelsey confirmed that <br /> sufficient direction had been provided to staff for the HRA to pursue based on to- <br /> night's discussion. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon thanked everyone involved in this process; and as the <br /> HRA moved forward in moving their Strategic Plan forward, and based on the <br /> new hire of a Community Development Director and their specific experience, <br /> Mr. Trudgeon opined that this study and tonight's discussion would determine <br /> how the City could best position itself and respond to events. Mr. Trudgeon noted <br /> the emphasis points as outlined by Mayor Roe, and advised that staff would con- <br /> tinue to work on them for the HRA and City Council as time progressed. <br /> Chair Maschka concurred, noting that it remained a work in progress that would <br /> continue to evolve, with things happening once written down. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte concurred, opining that the Roseville Business Council <br /> was a good step, and since involvement was not confined to membership in a <br /> Chamber of Commerce, the City could do whatever was possible to get business- <br /> es made aware of the opportunity and get them involved. <br /> Chair Maschka also noted that it would work well with the new Marketing posi- <br /> tion and rebranding efforts of the City to incorporate that and create a vital reputa- <br /> tion. <br />