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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/27/2014 2:35:00 PM
Creation date
3/27/2014 2:34:53 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 10, 2014 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Dan Kelsey, 735 Heinel Drive <br /> Mr. Kelsey admitted that he was one of the culprits parking in front of Mr. <br /> Schuler's home. In his review of Heinel Drive from South Owasso to the cul-de- <br /> sac, a '/ mile street, Mr. Kelsey noted that parking 15' from the curb would prove <br /> problematic for a majority of the nine homes located in that stretch with most un- <br /> able to accommodate an average-sized boat, including his lot due to topography <br /> issues. Mr. Kelsey questioned the options for them if on-street parking was lim- <br /> ited to 72 hours, and whether they should then move to another street and impact <br /> those neighbors, opining that it would be inappropriate to do so. Mr. Kelsey not- <br /> ed that, due to the topography of his lot, he could not access his side or rear lots <br /> for storage; and if unable to store the boat on the driveway or street, what other <br /> options did he have, even while recognizing the setback issues as raised by Mr. <br /> Munson and trees in those site lines as raised by Councilmember Willmus. Mr. <br /> Kelsey noted that having items parked on the street did serve to reduce traffic <br /> speed. <br /> Since he lived on the lake, Mr. Kelsey questioned his options. Mr. Kelsey noted <br /> that the staff report indicated five complaints fielded by staff annually, and ques- <br /> tioned if they were about the same boat or multiple items. Mr. Kelsey opined that <br /> there are not bad boats, only bad boat owners; and if the intent was to jump on the <br /> issue to address a limited number of complaints compared to the entire number of <br /> households throughout the City, the City Council should instead not be overly re- <br /> strictive and consider how many owners are managing their articles respectfully <br /> and to take that into consideration. <br /> Connie Wilmes, 396 Brooks Avenue W (no relation to Councilmember <br /> Willmus) <br /> Ms. Wilmes advised that their neighborhood had major issues, and while not hav- <br /> ing her picture evidence at hand and sought Mr. Munson's contact information for <br /> future reference and to supply that evidence, Ms. Wilmes noted that their neigh- <br /> borhood had made a number of calls to the Police Department and Code En- <br /> forcement Departments, to no avail. Ms. Wilmes agreed that the pontoon and <br /> trailer were a major hazard with Central Park Elementary School located in that <br /> area, and no sidewalks in the neighborhood, creating a major safety issue for kids <br /> walking to school and not getting bussed. As the neighbors aware of the problem, <br /> Ms. Wilmes noted that they anticipated the safety issues and drove accordingly; <br /> however, other drivers whipped down Cohansey from County Road C because <br /> they were not aware of the pontoon and potential hazard. Given that Conansey <br /> and her street were designated as a bike route from Central Park, Ms. Wilmes <br /> noted that this wasn't just a neighborhood nuisance,but also a safety hazard. <br /> In addressing the photo evidence displayed by Mr. Munson, Ms. Wilmes opined <br /> that those problems would be preferable to what they were dealing with, including <br /> a huge RV used as a storage pod, another pop-up trailer, sometimes a utility trail- <br /> er, and backyard nuisance items just a few of the issues she and her neighbors <br />
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