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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3/27/2014 2:35:00 PM
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3/27/2014 2:34:53 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 10, 2014 <br /> Page 15 <br /> However, having dealt with the on-street parking of a pontoon for ten years, Ms. <br /> Drinane opined that often boat and RV trailer owners were like children, and if <br /> given an inch they would take a mile, and would ultimately find loopholes. Ms. <br /> Drinane addressed one problem home on an "L" shaped lot and definition of the <br /> front of the home and how it impacted parking. At the same property as the pon- <br /> toon boat, Ms. Drinane noted that they had dealt with a moldy trailer parked be- <br /> hind it, which had finally been removed; but now an RV was parked in the drive- <br /> way with garbage cans behind it. <br /> Ms. Drinane asked that the City Council consider existing and potential loopholes <br /> and address those nuisance issues they had to observe continuously. <br /> Craig Lein, Heinel Drive <br /> Mr. Lein spoke in sympathy with his neighbors, opining that it was a complex <br /> problem and differences in owners came into the picture. Having no vested inter- <br /> est in the problem, since his property allowed him to store his boat in the back <br /> yard, he did recognize potential problems for his neighbors who tried to be re- <br /> sponsible citizens and neighbors. Mr. Lein asked that the City Council perform <br /> due diligence in addressing the sloppiness of the few versus the responsibility of <br /> the majority and look at an ordinance that addressed specifics rather than a broad <br /> overview, perhaps location-based or based on the type of vehicle. Since his re- <br /> search indicated that one in every six citizens in MN owned a boat, and he as- <br /> sumed that number may be higher in Roseville, Mr. Lein suggested that some <br /> kind of accommodation came forward; and expressed his concern that a reaction <br /> to a few issues would negatively affect responsible boat owners within the com- <br /> munity. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked speakers for their comments; and given the late hour suggest- <br /> ed moving further discussion a future meeting, while also allowing time for indi- <br /> vidual deliberation prior to giving staff direction. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Munson reviewed the Adminis- <br /> trative Deviation process, as used for other elements at this time, and right of ap- <br /> peal to the City Council in their role as the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. <br /> Mayor Roe, referencing considerations given when pet licensing was reviewed, <br /> suggested one consideration may be to have allowances if and when the approval <br /> of all or a certain percentage of neighbors was received; and combined with the <br /> Administrative Deviation process,may be something to consider. <br /> To further complicate future discussions, Councilmember Willmus noted that <br /> throughout City Code, special provisions were made for lake properties and relat- <br /> ed issues; and perhaps within those districts a process could be established for <br /> those unable to physically get boats off the street or into their rear yards; not a <br />
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