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�1arc Culver <br />Cin� of Roseville <br />Proposed Development <br />March 26, 2014 <br />Page 7 <br />To account for traffic impacts associated with the proposed development, trip generation estimates <br />for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours and a daily basis were developed. These trip generation estimates, <br />shown in Table 3, were developed using the TTE Trzp Generation Manual, Ninth Edition. It should be <br />noted that to provide a conservative estimate no modal reductions were applied. <br />Table 3. Trip Generation Estimates <br />Land Use Type (ITE Code) <br />Single-Family Housing (210) <br />Residential Townhomes (230) <br />A.M. Peak P.M. Peak <br />Size Hour Trips Hour Trips Daily <br />In Out In Out Trips <br />10 Dwelling Units 2 <br />16 Dwelling Units 1 <br />New System Trips 3 <br />�6 6 <br />12 12 <br />�3 93 <br />7 188 <br />Results of the trip generation estimates indicate that the pYOposed residential development will <br />geneYate appYO�mately 15 a.m. peak houY, 19 p.m. peak hour and 188 daily trips. These trips weYe <br />distributed throughout the area based on the directional distribution shown in Figure 4. This <br />distribution was developed based on e�sting area travel patterns and engineering judgment The <br />resultant year 2016 peak hour traffic forecasts, which take into account the background growth and <br />traffic generated by the proposed residential development, are shown in Figure 5 <br />Year 2016 Conditions <br />Intersection CapacityAnalysis <br />To determine if the e�sting roadway network can accommodate the year 2016 traffic forecasts, a <br />detailed intersection capacity analysis was completed. The study inteYSections and proposed access <br />locations were once again analyzed using Synchro/SimTraffic software and the HCM. <br />Results of the year 2016 inteYSection capacity analysis shown in Table 4 indicate that the study <br />intersections are expected to continue to operate at an acceptable oveYall LOS A during the a.m. and <br />p.m. peak hours. Side-street delays are also expected to operate acceptably. It should be noted that <br />southbound queues from the TH 36 North Ramps/Da1e Street intersection are expected to continue <br />to occasionally extend to Cope Avenue during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. However, since side- <br />street traffic volumes along Cope Avenue are relatively low, no operational issues are expected. <br />