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Attachment F <br />At the request of Member Daire, Mr. Paschke advised that the depth of rain gardens and ponds <br />would vary, and their design still pending as part of the preliminary design process, with the City's <br />Engineering Department reviewing that design based on storm water calculations and how water <br />was directed into the rain gardens and/or ponds from the overall site or area. Mr. Paschke <br />advised that, while this review is an ongoing process at the staff level, it would not be finalized <br />until a Final Plat and design came forward. <br />At the request of Member Daire, Mr. Paschke advised that, with few exceptions based on their <br />specifics, the City was not supportive of fencing around drainage ponds or rain gardens based on <br />them being more of a hindrance if emergency rescue operations were required. <br />Member Murphy referenced the traffic study included in the staff report (Attachment E) and <br />expressed his appreciation for providing that information. However, in reviewing it, Member <br />Murphy noted that the full report was not included, specifically references to Table 4. <br />Mr. Paschke apologized for that omission, and displayed the Table in question for the <br />Commission's and public's review; with the table showing 2016 intersection capacity analyses for <br />morning and afternoon peak hours, and current and projected levels of service and projected <br />delays if any for Dale Street/Lovell Avenue and Dale Street/Cope Avenue. <br />Member Boguszewski observed that there was no change projected; and also expressed his <br />appreciation for including the traffic study in materials, even though not required. <br />Applicant representatives were present, but had no comment beyond staff's presentation. <br />Chair Gisselquist closed Public Hearing at approximately 7:48 p.m.; with no one appearing for or <br />against. <br />Member Boguszewski spoke in support of the proposal; and opined, with consensus of the fellow <br />commissioners, that most of the substantive questions and issues had been reviewed at the <br />previous meeting, and this approval was more of a formality. <br />MOTION <br />Member Boguszewski moved, seconded by Member Murphy to recommend to the City <br />Council APPROVAL of the proposed PRELIMINARY PLAT of Fire House Addition; based <br />on the comments and findings of Sections 4-6 and the recommendation of Section 7 of the <br />staff report dated April 10, 2014. <br />Ayes: 7 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Abstentions: <br />Motion carried. <br />