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B. Dimensional Standards: <br /> Table 1004-3 LDR-1 <br /> Minimum lot area <br /> Interior 11,000 Square feet <br /> Corner 12,500 Square feet <br /> Minimum lot width <br /> Interior 85 Feet <br /> Corner 100 Feet <br /> Minimum lot depth <br /> Interior 110 Feet <br /> Corner 100 Feet <br /> Maximum building height 30 Feet <br /> Minimum front yard building setback 30 Feet" <br /> Minimum side yard building setback <br /> Interior 5 Feet <br /> Corner 10 Feet' <br /> Reverse corner Equal to existing front yard of <br /> adjacent lot but not greater than <br /> 30 feet <br /> Minimum rear yard building setback 30 Feet <br /> a See Section 1004.04,Existing Setbacks. <br /> b Covered d porches sheltering(but not enclosing)front doorso are <br /> encouraovereged entries and m anay extend into the required front yard to a setback f 22 feet <br /> from the front property line. <br /> c The corner side yard setback requirement applies where a parcel is adjacent <br /> to a side street or right-of-way.The required setback from an unimproved <br /> right-of-way may be reduced to the required interior side yard setback by the <br /> Community Development Department upon the determination by the Public <br /> Works Director that the right-of-way is likely to remain undeveloped. <br /> C. Improvement Area:Improvement area,including paved <br /> surfaces and the footprints of principal and accessory <br /> buildings and structures,shall be limited to 50%of the parcel <br /> area.Notwithstanding this limit,storm water runoff shall be <br /> limited to the amount of runoff generated during a 1-inch <br /> rain event over a 24-hour period by impervious surfaces <br /> covering 30%of a parcel;for parcels within a Shoreland or <br /> Wetland Management District,storm water runoff shall be <br /> further limited to the amount of runoff generated under the <br /> same circumstances by impervious surfaces covering 25%of <br /> the parcel area. <br /> 1. For the purposes of this section,"improvements"does <br /> not include fences,retaining walls,planting beds,or Storm water runoff mitigation may be <br /> other landscaping. achieved through the installation and <br /> maintenance of such features as'green° <br /> 2. Effectively mitigating storm water runoff relies on roofs rain barrels,pervious paving, <br /> technical analysis of building materials,soils,sloes and app water gardens,parcels l es t as <br /> P , approved.For parcels with less than 30 <br /> other site conditions.In order to ensure adequate and or 25%(where applicable)impervious <br /> ongoing mitigation of storm water runoff,improvements surface mitigation on measures coverage,however, ui ed. <br /> mitigation mea are required. <br /> Residential Districts 1004-7 <br />