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<br /> <br />SOH.OUt. ItD't <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPrION <br /> <br />That part or ~he west tift.en acre. of the North Half of tho <br />Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of section 9, Township <br />29, Range 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota, dasoribed as fOllows: <br /> <br />beginning at a point on the south I1ne of the said west fifteen <br />acres, said point being 43.00 teet east of the southwest corner <br />thereof, said point also beinq the southwest corner at Lot 12, <br />Block 1, of Fairview nille, as platted and recorded in t.he 01:f1ce <br />of the County Recorder, Ramsay county, Minnesota; <br /> <br />thence easterly 299.73 feet alonq the south line of the said <br />BloQk 1, to the southwest corner of Lot 9 in the said Block 1; <br /> <br />thence northerly 105.50 feet alonq the we&t line of the said Lot <br />9 to the northwest corner thereof; <br /> <br />thence 8aste~ly 95.00 feat along the north line of the maid Lot 9 <br />to the northe..t corner thereof, <br /> <br />thenoe øouth.rly l05.S9 feet along the east line or the said Lot <br />9 to the southeast corner thereof; <br /> <br />thence e~.t.rlY 95.00 feet along the south line of the sAid Block <br />1 to the southwest corner ot Lot 7 of said Slock 11 <br /> <br />theng8 nQrther1y 105.69 r.èt along the wast line of said Lot 7 t~ <br />the northwest corner thereof; <br /> <br />thencQ easterly 95.00 feet along the north line of the said Lot 7 <br />to the nQrtheast corner thereofl <br /> <br />thence. southerly 105.78 feet along the east line of the said Lot <br />7 to the southeast corner thereof: <br /> <br />thence easterly 361.61 feet along the south line of the said <br />Block 1 to the southeast corner thereof; <br /> <br />thence northerly 615.47 feet 81cn9 the east line of the said <br />Block 1 and its northerly extension to a point on the north line <br />of the south five acres ot said west fifteen aoreal <br /> <br />thence westerly 991.00 feet along said north line to a point on <br />the west line of the Southwest Quarter of thé Northeast Quartèr <br />of the said Section 91 <br /> <br />thønc$ southerly 327.13 feet along the said west line; <br /> <br />thenoe easterly 43.00 teet to the northwest corner of Lot 4, of <br />Block 3 ot said Plat of rairview Hills; <br /> <br />thence southerly 285.20 teet along the west line of said Lot 4 <br />And its southerly extensiQn to the point of Þeginnlng. <br /> <br />Said tract. oontains 13.2 acres, more or less. <br /> <br />SUbject to a pUblic roadway eaSàrnent over the most westerlY!}_ <br />teet the~e_of. - _.- - -- --- - -- .- ----- -- <br /> <br />Subject to other easements, reservations, or restriotions of <br />record, if any. <br /> <br />The above desoribed property has since been platted and is now <br />known éU.; <br /> <br />--~ ------ <br /> <br />Lot 1, Block 1, ROs6ville SqQare <br /> <br />'Schedulë "DOl PAge l' <br />