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<br />16111 <br />~l.IIIbI.,.: <br /> <br />ST. PAUL RaE AND MARINI! <br />INSUItANCI! COMPANY <br />St. Paul, Minnesota\ <br />A Capital Stock Company <br /> <br />PERFORMANCE BOND <br /> <br />BOND NO.: 400JE0259 <br /> <br />Approved by The American Institute of Architects <br />A.I.A. Document No. A-311 Feb., 1970 Edition <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That.....!.Çr.9.!!.$.::.~O!;I.!tr.:¡!.J.!!..J;.Q.!!.$.tr.!I.Ç.Uº.n...çºmP.ª!!.Y............................ <br /> <br /> <br />............................................,.............................................................M..ÜI}!(!t$.t...Q.i.Il.i.:ï.i.QIL............................................................ <br />.............. <br />(Here In.en the name and addte.. or lopl dtle of the Contractor) <br /> <br />as Principal, hereinafter called Contractor, and, ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation <br />organized under the laws of the Srate of Minnesota, with its Home Office in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, as Surety, <br />hereinafter caUed Surety, are held and firmly bound unto <br /> <br />......................._...........__......................1b~_..Ç.j,},y..,ºJ..RQ:¡.~'l.i.l.1.!L....................................................................................................... <br />....... <br /> <br />...........................................................~º.$.~y.i.J..1.~.....11 .j.rJ.!1~.$.Qt.i ...................................._........................................ .............-...... <br /> .... ............... <br />(Here In.en the name and addre.s or lepl title of the Owner) <br />as Obligee, hereinafter caUed Owner, in the amount of...s.e.y~n...I.b.QJJ.!iª'n!J...O'o~..J:I.yD.Çlr.e!J...Ib.i.r.1:..x...S~.y~.!!...ª.!l~...f'Jº.l.1.90 <br /> <br />.::.7.::.7.::::-.::.7.::.7.::.7.::.7.::':-.::.7.::.7.::.7.::.7.::.:-.::.::::.:-.::.::::.:-.::.::::.::::.::.7.::.7.::::.::::::-.::.::::.::::::.::::.7.::::.7.7.Dollars ($. Z...lJ.Z...ºº........_....... <br />............), <br /> <br />for the payment whereof Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and <br />assigns, jointly 8I1d severally, firmly by these presents. <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement .dated....................Mª-rç.h.......................H....................................19~L, <br />entered into a contract with Owner for......Ç9.1!!p..hrt;.1.º!.1....Q.f..J.9.!!9.:¡,Ç.ª.P.t.rJ.9...1,rJ..J;:.º!I.!!.e.!;:!J9.!!...w.H.~....t.b~...Ǻ!.\$..1r.l).ç..~j 0 n <br />.{ .t...Hjml.w.o.r.!L.Hª.l1k.....~.ºJ..1....~º.r.t.I:LR:i.r;.e.)¡.t.r~el.....R.Q.$.!!.y.,Ï.J..1.e.....Minog,Hrt9..................._.........................h.h..·...........·.... <br />in accordance with drawings and specifications preparedß.$.:¡g.~j.iI!.e.~......I.IJ.c._......................_.................-................... <br />.......J.J.Q.Q..Ine.r.W...P.iI.r.k...ºr.:i.v.e.....St.,...P.iI.u.J. ....Mi.l1o.e.s.Q.t.a........................................................................... ................... <br /> ................ <br />(Here insen full name. tide and address) <br /> <br />which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. <br /> <br />Whenever Contractor shall be, and declared by Owner to he in <br />default under the Contract, the Owner bavinl performed Owner's <br />obliptions thereunder, the Surety may promptly remed¡o the default, <br />or sball promptly <br /> <br />NOW, THEREfORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OILlGATION i. .uch tbat. if Contractor shall promptly and faithfully perform said Contrsct, <br />then this obUllltion sball be null and void; otherwise it sball remain in full force and effect, <br />The Surety' hereby waives notice of any alteration or extension of succession of defaults under the contract or contracts of completion <br />time made by the Owner. a"anled under this paralraph) .ufficient funda to pay the COlt of com· <br />pletion less the balance of the contract price; but not exceeding, includinl <br />other costs and dama.. for which the Surety may be liable hereunder. <br />the amount let forth in the tirst pat.araph hereof. The term ·'b.lance <br />of the contract price," a. used in this paraaraph. shall mean the total <br />amount payable by OWner to Contractor under the Contract and any <br />amendments there~ leIS the amount properly paid by Owner to Con~ <br />tracror. <br />Any suit under this bond must be instituted before the expiration <br />of twO (2) yea.. from the date on which final payment under the con- <br />tract fall. due. <br />No risht of sction shall accrue on this bond to or for the Ule of <br />any penon or corpontion other than the Owner named herein or '[be <br />heirs) executors, administrators or succesSOR of Owner_ <br /> <br />2) Obtain a bid or bids for completina the Contract in accordance <br />with its terms and conditions, and upon determination by Surery of the <br />lowest responsible bidder, or, if the Owner elects) upon determination <br />by the Owner and the Surety jointly of the lowest responsible bidder. <br />.rrange for I contract between such bidder and Owner, and make avail- <br />able a. Work proare.sel (eyen thoup there .hould be a default or . <br /> <br />1) CompleÅ“ the Contract in accordance with its terms and condi- <br />tion., or <br /> <br />Signed and sealed this. .............J.4.t1:l. <br /> <br /> of,......_......m.....M.ªr.Ç.l:lm.... ....,........m......A. D. 19.~L.. <br /> <br />~~.,,;;_mm_. <br />_._-_.._..__.....~""r. ..... <br /> <br />_n..__·...____._.· <br /> <br />{.. ~t::ªJ,I.~.':'.ß.IJ.~~.r..$.9 !.I....çº!.I.~~.r.,I).ç.1;j .Q.!!... Ç9.!I.1.P.ª.IJ.Y, .... ...(Seal) <br />(Princi , <br />A'? ....' <br />.. ....-(;<'..~..../.Z...... ... n' .... .............._.. ......... ...... <br />Gary ~luí"'~Ok, .de) 1ce President <br /> <br />ty~~!:'.~~...C~.. ~~panY (Seal) <br /> <br />Gordon D. 01 seriAttorney-ln-fsct) <br /> <br /> <br />In the presence of: <br /> <br />Printed with pe,mis.ion of the American Insfitu!e of Architect. <br /> <br />11711 Rllv.2·70 P' nt.dinU.S.A. <br />