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S�c��� 1. I�e�;����.�ian of �'ol��� <br />T�e proper �peration of dea��ocratic govert�ment re�uires th�i Public �fficials �e <br />independent, imp�rtial a�d res�onsib�e ta t1�e �eaple; that gavcrnm�nt decisia�7s a�s� <br />pr�licy b� made �n t�ie proper chann�ls oi th� government structure; that pu�rl:c office nat <br />�L used for personal �aing and thati �he public canfidence i�n th� integrity �f its <br />gt�vernrnent. <br />I� r�cognitio� of �iese goals, there i� here�y establi�h.ed a Cv�de oi Ethics �or all Public <br />��cials of the �ity o�Roseaille. T�ie �urpo�e af this C�d�e is io establish e�hical <br />standards of conduct for a11 such c��ficials by setting fs��th �.��e acts �r a.c�ons that are <br />incac��atibl� v�ith the best in�+e�e�ts o£��� �i�y, and by �irectin� c�isclo��are by su.�� <br />s���icrals c�� private �ina,ncia� or �ther inter�s�is in rr�atiers af%Wting ihe �ity. �'he <br />pr�vn�ians and purpc�s� o�`�iis �atYe and s�.ch n�les and ��g�lations �� �na� be establis��ed <br />ar� ix� ih� b�st i:�ter�sts o� tY�e �ifiy �£ Rfls�ville. <br />�Recagr�zir�g iha� e€i�.ca�ic�i� an �iiiics �n g�ve�neut is �ae key to havi�.g �;�icrd <br />gavern�n�nt7 this c�de requi�r�s iha�. �nua.l trair.a.r�g be hel� to discuss the m�arsia�g of this <br />c�d� r�ri��. Pu�lic ��i��cia�s, and i�l a�diti�n su�b t�-a�iing shall in��o�v� t�air��€l e�perts on <br />government ethaes. �'I:e �i�� i��i�n�.ger shall b� th� caordinator ��r the a�?nua ��aining. <br />The training w�.l k�ep the ��bj �c± oi �Yhzc3 i� gov�rna�en� �resh ir� sveryQne's .�i�ad <br />(umendea' S-23-2011) <br />�'o ;ricr�s� �� �wa��n�ss a�cl un�.��st�sian� �f t�� i�po�tane� of eiiucal e��ider�.ticsns <br />a�d behavz�� ur�.o�g �h� pu.�lac as �eli as gr�v�rnm�nt em�Ioye�s, c��nm.uni���ion of the <br />r�f� �£ the eth��s comr�ssio�� �c�. this �ode must occ� a� I�asi an�t��lly ir� loc�.� <br />n�ws�ap���� a:�d ti�e �Zas�,vi�1� we�site �.s �i�te�nin.ed �y t�h� City �fa�ag�r. �'��idii�o�a�lY, <br />t}� �ade of Ethi�� ��ial1 �e �evie��v�d aianuaYly tc� dei�ivairie iF m�tli�icat�a�s arz <br />ap���o��iate. <br />�ecf�on �, l.�e#ini�c�t�� �f 7.'��-�e� <br />�'ubli� �i��ia� <br />�:ny p��rson that l�as �een e`t�cted id of'�ce, �}��oint�� �c� � City b�oard �r c�mrniss?c�n, or <br />hir�d by tn� �:ity tc� ser�� �s a de��en� h��.�. ar a�sis�rit c��a.rtme�� head. <br />P�abl�� �.?�'icials inc�ude 't�ie %lla�g: <br />a. 1FJlernbers ��'t�.e C�ty �ounc�l a�d ��.�Q�; <br />'�. The depa�rtm�nt head a�i� assi�i�t deparim�nt li�a,d of each �ity <br />d�pa.rtmen$; <br />2 <br />