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<br />District Dire·ctor <br />~. <br /> <br />ç .~.'" .; iI. <br /> <br />P 0 sox A-32VO OPN <br />CHICAG01 IL 60690 <br /> <br />??-',' <br />....,. .... <br /> <br />TWIN CITIES HOUSING <br />CORPOt~ATION <br />300 GILBER' " BUILDING <br />Sf PAUL, MN 56101 <br /> <br />DH'r:t :)i-'MENT <br /> <br />EII\p 1')':I~r Ident i f Î(" a i.; i "n Nun\her: <br />36-3287030 <br />C()T\~;act F'ers,:>n: <br />L. DAVIS <br />t.':)i\tact Teleph,:>ne .~U l\b\":r~ <br /><31.2) gS6-127S.~ <br /> <br />Date: <br /> <br />AUG 2 2 19ß9 <br /> <br />413 WAIJCOT(-\ ST <br /> <br />Accounti~g Period Ending: <br />December 31 <br />Form 990 Required: <br />..,,,~s <br />Addend~m Appl ies: <br />"e~i <br /> <br />OeM" Appl i,:ani::: <br /> <br />Ba"5';:.:! ':>" inf,)t"ïl\ati.;:.n suppl i,::d~ .~I\¡ ¿ ~'..;:}.nlÎng Y('UF" ,)pt;!t"·a;;.i,)ns Hi I i li;¡,:' a·::; <br />Sf;;ai;,::tI in your appl i(:.~tion f,:>r rec(I~)ni'Í:;iO:ln I)f t2:<~::n\ptil:,n~ He have de1:.l?¡rmiH~·d <br />you <H-e exempi; f("(JIìI F~'dl~~ra( incon (:': t..IK und~~r 'S1.,,:ci;:i.:,n fJ01(.i:) (If i;h,:~ Xn;.~I~rnal <br />~~venue Code :s ~n organization described ¡n st2ction 501(c) (8). <br /> <br />We have further dt2ttrmined that you are ~ot a pr¡v~te fùUhdation Hithin <br />the meaning of section 509(a) of the Code, because you ðre an organ¡z~t¡on <br />describ\::d in s..~d:ion eiO~;\(:d (3). <br /> <br />If YOUt- SOtii"'CE'S of -:,UPP')t-t, or '¡lour purpt)sJ2s, c!1-3t-.:JI:'~l?i' i: or hh;d::t\(lI:I (Ii <br />operc1ti,:>n ch.:rnge? p le.~se h;:t IlS knol.! 50 HI':: ':<1n ,:,)nsid''::t- th ~ ,.~·ffed; (If thE' <br />change on your exempt status and foundation s~atu5. In the case of an a~end- <br />lIIt?nt t,j Y':"H- ,:>rgcirli;r.<1t.ional (Ít:II:ument 1)1"" byla¡..!~>, p(,.::,ase i1end us a CI)PY (If i;he <br />amended document or bylaws. Also, you should inform us of at I changes in your <br />name or address. <br /> <br />As of January 1, 1984, you are I ¡able for taKAS under the F~deral <br />Insurance Contributions Act. (social security taxes) on remuneration of $100 <br />~r more you pay to each of your empl0yees duri"9 a calendar year. you are <br />not I iable for the tax ¡Mp~sed under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). <br /> <br />Sinc.? y()U an~' n.)t ð privat..: f,)I.irtdùti,)n, YNI. ar"e not. subject 1;(, th,? '?i~ci"5e <br />taKes under Chapter 42 of the Code. However, you are not automatically exempt <br />from other Federal exc¡s~ tdxes. If vou have dnv {\uestions about excise, <br />. . <br />en\pll:>~/I\\I?ni;, .jr .')ther FI.~d':::I-.a1 'ta:c:es, pleaiH"~ let u,s len':)I·I. <br /> <br />. Gt-<'ln1;':lr'~; and con1::r-ibtd:')I'"S m<'~1 t-(:~I~I (Iii this determina1.;ion unl..::s!:. the <br />·-~" RevI?nue Ser'vice pJ.lblishl:¡~ I\,)tic\~ 1:;(1 th,:: contrary. HOI'leVf~r, if you <br />_./:5e ~"':IUt" s~~cti')n 5().¡.'(':¡) (~:;. i;tatus, .a !JrJni::or (Ir c(>ntribut.:lt" nlay \11)t r'ely <br />(In this detern\in<11;ion if he ()r sll\" ¡·a\s in part n:~5p')nsible ofot-, 1)1' 1~c1S al·lal·">::'- <br />of, the act or fai lure to act, or the substantial or material change on the <br />part of the organization that resulted in yoUr 1055 of 'Such status, or if he or <br />she acquired k~OHledge that the Internal R~venue Service had given notice that <br />you Hould no longer be classified as a section 5Q9(a) (3) o~gan¡zat¡on. <br />