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<br />Calibre Ridge partnership, Case No. 2355 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />13-unit structures. The proposed uses are compatible with the area <br />and generally consistent with the Land Use Plan and zoning. <br /> <br />An important issue in planning for this land is the appropriateness <br />of the use, given the character and location of the property. The <br />site is partially wooded and slopes generally north to south, away <br />from the single family neighbors to the north down to Highway 36. <br />There are six neighboring single family homes to the north and <br />three to the west that directly abut the property. An apartment <br />building and the Country Kitchen restaurant abut the property to <br />the east. Another two homes are in close proximity to the north and <br />west. Although the property fronts the Highway 36 right-of-way, the <br />highway access ramp is 150' to 200' away from the edge of the <br />property, and the actual driving lanes of Highway 36 are 240' away. <br /> <br />The result is that there is a long frontage with no neighbors (the <br />highway), but the highway itself is far enough away to not be a <br />major intrusion, and is separated from the property by a chain link <br />fence. There are dozens of single family homes in this <br />neighborhood, and elsewhere in the City, that are closer to Highway <br />36 than the closest of these units would be. There is a border with <br />a commercial use (the restaurant), but no units abut that side of <br />the site. Where there are single family neighbors adjacent to the <br />north, the site slopes down, making future structures much less <br />visible or intrusive. And the structures that would be visible are <br />two-story instead of three-story buildings, in this latest <br />proposal. Where there are existing single family neighbors to the <br />west, there is considerable existing tree cover and substantial new <br />evergreen and overstory landscaping proposed. Taken together, these <br />characteristics of the property allow for reasonable buffering and <br />separation of existing and proposed land uses. <br /> <br />In placing a medium density project, such as Calibre Ridge, <br />adjacent to a single family neighborhood, the issues of noise and <br />traffic are also considerations. The site has two vehicular and <br />pedestrian access points, both to well-travelled collector streets, <br />Rice street and Minnesota Avenue. There is no street connection to <br />Marion street, even though there is a 15' -wide strip of property <br />that extends west to the Marion street right-of-way. This narrow <br />connection had been proposed for a sidewalk and bike path, and is <br />shown as such on the plans and is referred to in the cover letter <br />from the developers. This proposed path connection has been <br />dropped, however, in recent discussions with affected neighbors. It <br />turns out that this piece of property, although privately owned and <br />part of the property for this PUD, has access easements over it, <br />allowing two of the neighbors to the west to have driveway access <br />to their garages. A trail connection would not be compatible with <br />these existing driveways and garages. <br />