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<br />--- <br /> <br />.J <br /> <br />_'"DUFFY DEVELOPMENT COMPAN¥ <br /> <br />., .. .. ~.- <br /> <br />10850 Co. Rd, )5 <br />Plymouth, Minnesota I)M:¿H <br />Ph. (612) 544·6'/69 <br /> <br />Spencer Beach <br />Milford, Iowa 51531 <br />Ph. (712) 337 -358~ <br /> <br />Wed. Sept. 4, 1991 <br /> <br />91l~ 5 HOS cvilla Ci ty Hall <br /> <br />I)res ent <br />Phil Car180n - City Planning Consultant (D S & u) <br />Rick Jopkc - City Planner <br />CLtrol Pels ing - 'l'~l/in City H0118 'I nl">;, Development Maw..'.I.ger <br />Marc;a'r'et Grj, - Twin City HQusing, Intern <br />Dale Hall - 'l.'Wln Ci. ty HOUS1)1g, fJlrector of Construction <br />John Duffy - Duffy Development Company, President <br />G()rcHe 110'.'76 .. Gord j,e Howe He,g,l ty, <br /> <br />1. Discussion of PUD v. Special Use Perm1t <br />Decision that SUP W9.S too involved and we should <br />continue with the PUD þrocess. <br />Sept. 18 Site Plan, Tapa with Utilities, Elevations, <br />LanclRcnpc Plan, Easements, subm1ttal to city <br />Oat. 9 Planning Commission - General Concept Plan <br /> <br />Oct. 28 - City Council Final Plan Review <br /> <br />Nov. 1 - Any Changes to Final Plans <br /> <br />Nov, 12 - Second Reqding of PUD and Plat at Council <br /> <br />2. Show Walkway to Marion Street with fencing or hedge <br />on Property Llnes <br /> <br />J. RO<3.rhray to 'be 21+' width, chack \ii th fire marshal. <br />(previously, rOA.dway maXi gr8.rte 5%, parking maxI grade J%) <br /> <br />ih Sidevlalk issue not res 01 vcd. I t Was recognized th',Ü there <br />are no sld_c"TallÅ“ Oh any adjolnine: streets, bu.t Phil thinks <br />pcdcstrirmfJ should have due consideration, esp. up to <br />Minnesota Street. 5' width <br /> <br />5. Play AreaR don't needed to be fenced if not adjacent <br />to au to,"j . <br /> <br />(), If Tra~;h Enclosures are used, they must meet city standards. <br />(Ð. ttl',:tchlÔ!d) <br /> <br />7, fH t.e. AhC}1..Ùd oomply wi th ('.1 ty ree;nlFlt.ionR. <br />(F.\ttached) <br />