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<br />__ ___-_- ~__.__.___ ___________ __ __ __ _ __ ___~c . <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE <br />TO WHOM IT MAY COHCIRN: <br />NotIce II herIby 8Mtn .. the Pllrlnlng Commllllon <br />oftheCltv of RoøvIIIe wilt møt at Roeevll.. City Hall, <br />2e8O Civic Center Drive, on WedM8day, August 14. <br />.. 191Ht 7:30 p.m., for the purpoø of conalderlnQ the <br />I following requøt: . ' <br />Evereat ~\ Ltd. reql*t for epecl~ UN <br />pennlt for offICe ..1VIce uue at 21-40 and 2210 W. <br />County R*. C. <br />. The City Council, of the City of RoeevIlle, will meet <br />on Monday. August 26. 1991 at City Hall at 7:30 p.m.. <br />to COMIder thlt requeat. <br />LIQAL DEICRIPTlON: <br />TI'ICt "A", Rea\lttred Land Survey No. 50. fIIe8 of <br />the RegIstrar of'tttIN, County of RaIhIeY. <br />All that part of the NortheMt qulrtef{Ne \4),of Sec- <br />tion eight (8) ToWnIhIP twenty-nlne (28), "Range twenty. <br />th.... (28) lying weet øf the weet line of the Eat one- <br />fourth (E. v.) of ..Id Northeut Quarter (NE \4) of Sec- <br />tton eight (8), and lying north of the northerly One of.rtght <br />of way Mrittofore cOnveyed to Mlnneapolll and St. <br />louie RaIlWay Co. (now occupied by Northern Pac\flc <br />RailWay Co.) and lying eut of· a line running parallel <br />to and dlltlnt thlrty-th.... (33) feet eat of a northerly <br />proJectIon of the line hereinafter referred to .. Line A; <br />said Une A being ~Ined .. follOWS: eommenc· I <br />Ing at a point on the north Iln. of said Sect\OO eight <br />(8) dllUnt nine hundred thlrty-four (N4) feet east of the <br />Northweat corner of the NorthHIt quarter (NE \4) of <br />aaId 18dIon; thence IIOUth parallel with the north and <br />IOUth qulrtef IICt\On line of uk! øctton, f\v t hundred <br />. (1508) feet to. the northerty line of the right of way <br />of the Northern PIICIfIQ !Wn*I; thenOIt northeaIt along <br />the rtght of way of laid ..Iroad; two hundred sixty- <br />eeven and 3110 (267.3) feet to the point of beginning <br />of Line A; thence south along eaId Une A to the south <br />line of the NorthøIt qu~ {HE \4) of eaId Section <br />eight (8) and to a point which II eeven hUncsr.d ninety- <br />eight and 5110(788.5) _ welt of the southwØt cor- <br />ner of the !lit one-fourth (E. \4) of the NorttIeut <br />quarter (NE \4) of said SectIon eight (8). <br />Steve larkozy <br />City Manlllar <br />(RoeevIlle Review: July 23. 1991) <br />