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<br />, <br />Paint Page 2 <" <br /> <br />Disposal: Latex and small amounts of oil-based paint: <br />Dry out latex paint and very small quantities of oil-based paint <br />(less than one cup Of one inch in the bottom of the can) accord- <br />ing to the following directions. <br /> <br />Step 1: Find an outside work area away from children, pets <br />and rain. Locked screen porches and balconies work well. <br />Because oil-based paint contains solvents and some latex paint <br />contains mercury, it's important to dry out paint outdoors in a <br />safe place. <br /> <br />Step 2: Dry it out. Choose one of the drying tèchniques <br />below. Paint will take between several days and several <br />months to dry - it depends on the type and quantity of paint <br />that you have. <br /> <br />Step 3: Throw the completely-dried paint, cans and other <br />materials in the trash. Leave the lids off paint cans so trash <br />collectors will see that the paint is dry and accept them. <br /> <br />PAINT-DRYING TECHNIQUES <br /> <br />For small amounts (oil-based and latex): <br />· Remove the lid and let the paint dry in the can. Stir the <br />paint occasionally to speed drying. <br />· Or, brush paint in layers on newspaper or cardboard. <br /> <br />For larger amounts of latex: <br />· Pour one-inch layers of paint into a cardboard box lined <br />with plastic. Allow the paint to dry one layer at a time <br />- thin layers will speed up the drying process. <br />· Or, mix paint with cat litter, sawdust or sand in a card- <br />board box lined with plastic and let it dry. <br /> <br />For latex paint that has separated: <br />· Pour the clear liquid on top into a cardboard box lined <br />with plastic. Mix the liquid with an equal amount of <br />cat litter or other absorbent material and let it dry. <br />Let the leftover paint in the bottom of the can dry out, <br />using one of the above techniques. <br /> <br />IF YOU'RE MOVING800N... <br /> <br />· Find someone who can use up your leftover paint. <br />· Have a friend or neighbor dry out your latex paint for you. <br />· B~g your latex paint to your new home and dry it there. <br />· Ask a friend or neighbor to hold your oil-based paint for a <br />household hazardous waste collection. <br /> <br />"" " - . <br />. . " ., .. <br />ENVf~ÖNMENrAl·TIPS <br />FO~iCONSUMERS <br /> <br />. .. ., .. <br />. .,." . <br />.,.-'..... ," ,-.,' -"", . , <br />. ,",'-' ..... ',- '. <br />. ... -. ,--,-.. <br />.".......--'.' ','- '. ............ <br />.................... "" . '.--",',', <br />. --.. -... ,- . <br />'" ...... ... ....,. .... <br />0..' ,__ . <br />.. - ." .-.. - ..-'- ". <br />I?lsp~~9f:l~ftoy~p~t· <br />·¡II~if¡~~r~'i~ <br />1~~~~~rt>~é'~;¿~efUl con- <br /> <br />;":'::-:':"" ;:.<:/::::.: ":-- : ::-< .. ...:::. .-::.:,:::::.,; .:.-:' <br />:.::::'-:/".':::<>:::.'"".,:' '-";, :.:>-:-:', ..:-,:::'::-::':.>:": ': <br />'::::':';"'.,:;::-.:.:::::::'. " . , :::'.-"-',": .. -::,>::':<..',,:"" .' -"',' <br /> <br />VÛ~~,Hpl~ftôy¢fpáiritbefore <br />ýêtLl:þµy·móf¢,( ... . <br /> <br />',-,',",' ",'- .,..-..... '. '-" <br />. ,,-:<:-.:':/:::;'.::::::::::: ':: :-:-'.'::'::.'< ,:.,::::::':;'.,:-,:"--: <br />.........'...".....,...,..'....... ..' ,'.-' ...-.., ,.:-.:"-" <br />'. .......---....,..'.'.-. .'.' -,.,., ............... <br />'.' .-..,._-. " ., - .".. <br />......-.,. -.-." -, .,'....."...--.....- ..',. <br />. ," ,. . . ".' ,. . <br /> <br />'1Bpt,9A1y,m:~() paint <br />·ò1Ï:nèèd.l\(ëa~Ûrè:the.s ace <br />y................, ........ ..........'.,.. .,...P. <br /> <br /> <br />~~'$~ii~Ë~:~ <br /> <br />"." . ........".. .." . - ... <br />... ....... .. ." <br />..-.....'.'.-..-...'-'.'. . ....... . <br />.. - ... - . - . . <br />.--' ."'-. .,-- . <br />... .... ." <br /> <br />'¿BµyrnercurY-f.I'¢ê latex paint. <br />9~~~tl1êhibér~ç:~E!eîfthe paint <br />cöntãiI\sII\ercury~ '.' <br /> <br />.. "".. . .. ,.. ,.. <br />..' ...... ,. .. - . . <br />.. . - , <br />.'. ..... .'-,'. <br />." .. <br />. , '. - . <br />. . , ,,' -..,. <br /> <br />lI'}\ýþjg .purçll~~~.~gexqtic <br />cþló.rs.thatjyQ1.1~lll1Òtbe able <br />. tqu~foraÍ1.oth¢tpr{)jE!ft..· <br /> <br />...........'.. <br /> <br />:::: - :;'-::::>: :: ::,: :::::: :,:'~ '. -: .:. : -:: ,;- :::-: <:.-::':: :::::: :' >-:-::..:.':::' ,::' . : - -:: : : <br /> <br />~'Î~iRf~~~~~ilier <br /> <br />., .... ::':-"::::\':':':: <br /> <br /> <br />Revised 9/90 <br />