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<br />t'¡1n lOOT L I BRRRY <br /> <br />TEL No.612-297-2354 <br /> <br />... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />PHWA /1m-a 0/051 <br /> <br />.. " . <br />SAPBTY AND BNVIRONMBNTAL DUSIGN CONSJDBRA- <br />TIOHS IN TIIB USB OP COMMBRCIAL BLBCTRONIC <br />VARJAJLB·MBSSAGB SIGHAGB <br /> <br />Jlrry Wachtol and Ro.. Nethorton <br />t. ,........, O"'I.........M~. ... ........ <br />Depart.ont o¡ Tran.port.tion <br />Peaeral IUahw.y <br />Otfice of Relearch <br />Washlnlton. DC 20590 <br />u. .......... AteMf.....,.,.. AUt,.. <br />Departa.nt 01 Tranlportation' <br />Feaeral Highway Adalnlstratlon <br />Wllhlnaton, DC 20590 <br /> <br />Nov 15,91 14:44 No.OOl P.02 <br /> <br />. T"""lul Ie.,.... o.u...totl." r.,. <br /> <br /> <br />. .....Mi... 0....... "It"" ......... <br /> <br />1980 <br /> <br />"'''''III' A'...., c... <br />,£ l)..$ .. ~ ,.. <br /> <br />JJ. ......'I"'IfM'rJ...... <br />Stall ~tudy Suporvlsor: Burton W. Stephons, <br />Chlef, Urban Bnvironmont Group tlRS-41 <br /> <br />... "·1""' <br />Th s study reviaw. oxisting roportod rosoarch ønd oxporlonce rogord- <br />lna us., or cOlUlorçlal oloctronlc varlablo-lIo"nao Ilfns (C8VJ.fS), and <br />ovaluates resoarch findina_ and methods in tor~' or ~plicatlonl for <br />hl.hvay safoty .nd envlronmøntll do.l.n. A.pocta of CUVMS dOII,n and <br />u.. th.t Ire capablo of advorsoly afCoctln, hiahway safoty and or <br />onvlron.ontal quality .ro Idontl£lod and d scus.od In torm. of tho <br />adoquacy or oxl.t1nl rOloørch and oxporionco to por~lt tormuJotlon <br />of quantified standordl Cor lafo and onvlronmontally compatiblo uso. <br /> <br />Thil roport noto.. with illUltrations, tho principal forms of VDTi- <br />ablo..ol..,o al¡nalo dovolopod ror official trnrrlc control ßnd In- <br />Cor.ation. UIO, and tho .oJor Corms or varloblo-mol'D¡o '(~nDgo <br />utl1111na olo~tronlc procollo. or romoto control for ~lsplay or com· <br />.orel.1 advort!s!na ond public servico informotion In roodside tlt~5. <br /> <br />Studio. of hlahwar. safoty I'POCt. or outdoor advortl.ln¡ which oro <br />b..od on .n.IYli. or accident data are ovaluatod and reasons ror ap- <br />rlront conflictl ot their rindintl are discussod. Studios of highway <br />..foty ..pectl ot outdoor Idvort 11na lonoral1y and CBV}IS spoclrl~oll <br />b.sod on hu..n Ilctor. research and doallnt with dl.trøctlon ond <br />attention.1 do.and. of driving tasks are d scusled In rolation to <br />issues involved In the dovelop.ent of ~t.ndards. <br /> <br />· tc"'.... V. riablo-ae..age .laning. . 0....1...... $.....-' No ref tr ic t Ions. Th 15 <br />coaaereilt electronic varlablo- docuaont 15 available to tho public <br />.0511g0 .1gnagd(CEVNS); outdoor through tho National Toc~nlCQl Infor <br />.dvertl.1nf. safety;hl&bway 8.1- øation Servico in Springtiolð. Vir~ <br />thetlc.; h hway invest.ont; drlv- ginia 22161 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Unclassified <br />,.... DOT , 1700.7 ct-n) <br /> <br />R,,~, .. .r ~1.t.4 ,... ..tWI..4 <br /> <br />Unclasslried <br /> <br />.... n. ,"lice <br />