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<br />tbi' 'as - '93 16: 13 INTERSTA'TE COI"PFW'U:;:s,~_......._.. __,,, ,. '.u." <br />. ~y~~ !tY.:!'. 1 · <br />"fI...,ttflc;'I"I"'~f'" ,~. . <br /> <br />P.2/,=I <br />. .;:r <br /> <br />I ......._ <br /> <br />11t.If~~~~(.J:,'.'\ 4i 0,";.._.: <br /> <br />..--.-..-.-....-..-- ..-.--. <br /> <br />. Jh ~ C i! ,,'I, :" +i_ " <br /> <br />..-..-.....-,.....-.-.-., ,. . <br /> <br />....,.",.." ........ ....... &1,&1 . '...1 W . . <br />__....__._.. _._ .0.... <br />..................,.........._..... .t......,. <br /> <br />c;.c;~ (\i <br /> <br />..."'............".......... ....-. <br />===-t:a:.::~ ':......~ ::.', <br /> <br />..--... . --.. .. <br />....... ~. ''''' '.~., I. <br /> <br />_. "M__ .._.. I . I <br /> <br />.i"I~~~'.:l.;.:;:r:-- ,', ,. <br /> <br />WtI:.'::tI~,,;'f.'...:...r'.' , ., . I, <br /> <br />'''--...-. -. . ....... I <br />"'" .:.~ ~I_ ". .,', ,. po " <br />."._---_... . .. ... <br />H~.~~...~\:v'..": '. !.: <br />,.' -fa ~'III;\'.,. 1'1 '.1 . <br /> <br />... .. ..... <br />330-3014 <br /> <br />I_ember S 1913 <br />" .. !o,. .' --: <br /> <br />- _.._......_. I . 10.. ., I If <br />_~........"_.... .. .0. 01' <br /> <br />IoImJJe aty CouI1d1 <br />2660 CMc CeDter Drive <br />Jtosev1De. )015.5113 <br />. <br /> <br />....--.-..-...- -. <br /> <br />.............~.WI\.....""I.W' .. .. <br /> <br />....-._.__. II... .. <br /> <br />-'---'.'" ....-.... . ,. <br /> <br />Ita: U7. 0aIccnIt AWIIme <br /> <br />___..._e. ._. I.' <br /> <br />.p....._____ "f . . <br />...........-.- -.-. .... . <br /> <br />-..-. _..~.. "'" <br />~~ ,,_...__..,....,tt ._ <br />.-.--..- . .,.- - .... <br /> <br /> <br />This afftao III'IIMDta ~ Dc:ciDft'DJaeJ: iiic. tile 0WDef 01 tbe plopeny at 197$ <br />CUoreItAVCIIQe in JtoscMUe. W. bave btaa warldnc wida Boyer Pord 011 a specJa1 UIe parmb <br />app1icadon for tile Ibove prcperty. Oa __y, the iSIUo of a IpCda1 _. permit is sdledu1ed <br />far a Ina1 vare Wen o.e CJty Qud. ::..,.__: ,.. __ __ ... _ . . <br />Z~'!:E::~::'~~~:',,~~I ... '.' '.; <br /> <br />It is our MUcfhued upon our ~D~'1bit "'mij be some CoafuaIcm as to wbat <br />II ..... proposed. ,"IbeJd'ore. in ID effort to reecb III amicable lII01utioa of this matter with <br />the City CouDd1. we IUIIIIDIlfze our of%.~ COII1p1Q111Ue U foUowl: , ' <br /> <br />1. Iatber tIIara anadaa an JndcftnIte SJ*faI use permit to Boyer PorcI. In IDtetm <br />- pennit be ....tur . p:dod of ten yem. It is our UIICIenIIndiraa !bat die <br />fIoDity is to be UIId to repair Broacos ad 01ber Jee9.1Dce wbicIcI, .. .,. <br /> <br />IrIIcb. -- . . ........ - _. ... . -. . <br />.--...r~......... .AIr........ ........,....'\-. ,. .' <br />.-------- - ---.-.. .. ., <br />-.-.- ..---- --... ,. '.'f . <br /> <br />,.--..- . ..- '" ,- .. <br />---__.....1..--- ..__ _. ...... . <br /> <br />kl,V',"", <br />i fYI'rV <br />~l ~ I '~ · <br />kJ1(' <br /> <br />2. IDt&ntate IIIcI Boyer wiD 'dh~aaieJilmjiOVi'*.butIdiq . teqUIIteCI by Ibe <br />aty ataIlity ~ tM:me1al JIDe!I with stucco, ....m.. tap sur6cinc aad <br />aD IUd pUll' tor die ~Jt:i~ ~.~ '-c of tIaa buUdN, compJedDa die <br />1Iad~... 1ft trOIt ~ die b1"16I&. paviDc tht RIIt JIIdr;Iq lot with cmlllIId <br />pam, IIId doiaI tile ~tioDaJ JIRI Ttrlbc &Del 1aad~1. JIowtva', Jivea <br />IIIe 101.. of tile --.~J!~.~..~ ~ to do an C)f these tbift8I UDtfl <br />...nft.. <br />..,..... ~ .4.....,,,......:: .:...-: _ ,I,. .,.. <br /> <br />11ais propotal .~.... aU of the ObJecdv.ioi1be.'aiY. IDd iiIows Iatastate .. <br />Boyr:r 10 mab a mVlftlllb1e ue of the pr9l*tY durin. die next .. years. At that time the City <br />QD D-eVIlate die appropdate land use f~,tl!il,~ ill Ii&bt of wbatovc;r other deve10pmeftt <br />AIUt.... I. ."s...~ _.._.._ _._....... '.1'..... .. . <br />............. ... UII -~ ....,....,.ru.. u.r. ~ 1ft 1 .tq~.. .......",~ <br />__ __...._.,::-'......_..t. <br /> <br />--~~, ., .. <br />r- <br /> <br />,-_!IIIIIIIIr.i!:: <br /> <br />----_. <br /> <br />...-.. -- -.. --- <br /> <br />- <br />, <br />