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<br />08/19/93 14:40 <br /> <br />U812 337 8601 <br /> <br />DSU. INC. <br /> <br />141 002/004 <br /> <br />DennIs Welda <br /> <br />19 AllglLft 1993 <br /> <br />Pace 2 <br /> <br />ROSEVIlLE APPROACH <br /> <br />Back in November of 1990, we were bavol\"ed in rho devetopment of the 'DeIIan Staodanls Chapter. <br />and 1be development of tile PUD Ckdinance. At the same time, I IUIiI5Ced that the City modify it5 <br />code to 1111borize the permitting of Jnterim. Uses. FoUowiq' the Plann" Commission's <br />recontrl1f!r14Jlt1on. the City CouncIl aareed and we worked with the City Attorney to draft the <br />specific IlI1lU11e and amead the code. <br /> <br />The following two sectioDa wete added to the RoseviIIc Zoning Ordinance: a definition of Use. <br />Interim. in Section 13.~. ad the provisions for permJttinJ an interim 1.1$8 in Section 5.494. Both <br />of these sectIcmI are included below. <br /> <br />13.400. <br /> <br />Use. 1'ntaim <br /> <br />Def'hdtIoD. An -b1tedm us.- Is a temporary uae of property until a puticu1ar date, or until the <br />oa:urrence of a partieutar event, as determined by the City CouncU. <br /> <br />5.494. Use, interim <br /> <br />The City Council may authorize an interim Wle of property. __ ... .y not be aHJSistcnt wlda <br />the IIIId 1IIeI ........ OIl .... .... Lad U.. Pba. They mipt ... fatl to meet all of the <br />IJOIIiD& ~ ...IIII..ibr....dIItrIct wiIb;IQ _..It il1ocIted. <br /> <br />The City CoundJ. may aacIt conditions to Interim Use Permitl. In review In, lDterim Use Permit <br />appJicatioua, the City wiU -.bUsh. specific _ or event that will terminate the use on the <br />pJQperty. The Council win al80 det.fJm;..., that me approval of tile IntedtD use would not result in <br />adverse effects on the public bedth, safety, and welfare and that it will QOt impose additional costS <br />on the public if It Is neceuaty for thepubUc to take the property in the futuee. <br /> <br />Applications for interim U8eI shall be processed in the same manner u Special Use Permits, as <br />atablJahed in Section 12.030. <br /> <br />There are a couple of key ptOvisioDl that we incorporated into SoctJon 5.494.tbat relate .peclfica11y <br />to the appIieatf0n8 that.... anticipate in RoseviIle. youwill......fInt CODdltlon InSubd. 2. <br />......n,. Ia 1M ......, ... lilt ... UN ~ to 1111........... In our discussions <br />with the PlIDDh1a Com1IdIIsIott and City Cotmcll. 'We t:.ODtempIated leva poteIItiaIlppUcatlons in <br />our redovelopmeat areas In which a lllld owner would leek to put hillber property to some <br />teqJOrary use until marbt eondltions would support Its complete redevelopment comdlteDt with the <br />Comprehenaive Plan and Zoniog On1inao<:e. <br /> <br />ReII1eIDber 1hat we wet8 adopciq' Dew ancLratbet stringent dellp ltandmis lJIandating high quality <br />butldiq meteriatsp more apeuive J.audscap.... the pavIn, and curbing at all parking areas ud <br />other expcmivo site Improvemeftts. . WII dae <<MIl_a II; tI1e tIlDe 1bat the ItnItJie UH of Iatedm <br />11M po....1!. gguId 1IIow. . COIIIpIII'" ~ to'" _.......IDIprov..... to tUir <br />....Ia .~U"'I."'''''.''''' ....... ~ lnrIdJta.uae. It WII viewed <br />~. .... w.",a. tppOthddty. <br /> <br />'IbE!l'efo~ you wUl note that Section 5.494. starts riPt out by ...... .. ..... UIII ma,. DOt bo <br />~v_.. tbelal u.. PI..1Dd ddt thIS' may alto fail. ... all ordleltllldKdl ..wilhed <br />.. 1Iae cIIIItIct .. ..... 111ocIIeI1 (Le dlllp 1taDdards). By putting thb provision in our :r.onlng <br />replad.oosp we We<<) e<<ecdvety dreumvendDJ I litenllntelpretation of Subd. 2 (1). Of coune, the <br />other important point Is that the City has total discretioD In deciding both the degree and the timing <br />