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81 provide personnel who possess the required qualifications along with the equipment and <br />82 supplies of the Providing Party to the Requesting Party at the discretion of the Providing <br />83 Party and as otherwise deemed necessary by the Requesting Party and the Incident <br />84 Commander. <br />85 <br />86 IV. Warkers' Compensation <br />87 Each Party will be responsible for injuries or death of its own personnel. Each Party will <br />88 maintain workers' compensation insurance or a program of self-insurance covering its own <br />89 personnel while they are providing assistance pursuant to this Agreement. Each Party waives <br />90 the right to sue any other Party for any warkers' compensation benefits paid to its own <br />91 employee or volunteer or their dependents, even if the injuries were caused wholly or <br />92 partially by the negligence of any other Party or its officers, employees, or volunteers. <br />93 <br />94 V. Dama�e to Equipment <br />95 Each Party shall be responsible for damages to or loss of its own equipment used to respond <br />96 to an Emergency under this Agreement. Each party waives the right to sue any other Party <br />97 for any damages to or loss of its equipment, even if the damages or losses were caused <br />98 wholly or partially by the negligence of any other Party or its officers, employees, or <br />99 volunteers. <br />100 <br />101 VL Char�es to the Requestin� Party <br />102 A. If a local, state, or federal Emergency is declared, a Providing Party will charge a <br />103 Requesting Party for assistance rendered under the terms of this Agreement. The <br />104 Providing Parties will submit to the Requesting Party an itemized bill for the actual cost <br />105 of any assistance provided, including salaries, overtime, materials and supplies and other <br />106 necessary expenses, and the Requesting Party will reimburse the Providing Party for that <br />107 <br />108 <br />109 <br />110 <br />111 <br />112 <br />113 <br />amount. <br />B. Such charges are not contingent upon the availability of federal or state government <br />funds or the declaration of a major disaster or emergency by the Federal government. <br />C. No Party will be responsible for the reimbursement of Self Deployment costs. <br />114 D. If there is no formal Emergency declaration, a Party may still provide mutual aid as <br />115 requested by another Party, with or without reimbursement as mutually agreed upon by <br />116 the involved Parties, and pursuant to all other terms of this Agreement. <br />117 <br />�3 <br />