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7. The draft Phase 1 Report identif'ies two project components, Mirror Lake and Hansen <br />Park, as key features in the overall project objectives and as ready for immediate implementation <br />while other project components are being developed and analyzed. <br />8. Both the Mirror Lake and Hansen Park project components are identified in July 2011 <br />Flood Investigation and Stormwater Modeling Reports of the Cities of New Brighton and St. <br />Anthony. <br />9. During the phase 1 proceedings, the Watershed District submitted a Targeted Watershed <br />Demonstration Grant proposal to the Board of Water and Soil Resources which included the <br />Mirror Lake and Hansen Park project components. <br />10. The Watershed District was successful in its proposal and has received a grant to be used <br />to pay the cost of various projects, including implementation of the Mirror Lake and Hansen <br />Park project components of the petitioned Basic Water Management Project. <br />11. The engineer has issued a preliminary opinion of cost to implement the Mirror Lake and <br />Hansen Park project components of the petitioned Basic Water Management Project. The grant <br />funding is not sufficient to pay 100% of the cost to implement the Mirror Lake and Hansen Park <br />project components of the petitioned Basic Water Management Project. However, the Watershed <br />District Board of Managers has determined that implementation of the project components <br />creates both water quality benefits and regional stormwater and flood management benefits. <br />Therefore, the Watershed District will fund implementation of the Mirror Lake and Hansen Park <br />project components of the petitioned Basic Water Management Project from District derived <br />funds without allocation of costs to the project petitioners. Implementation final funding is <br />subject to further proceedings pursuant to this petition. <br />12. The petitioners agree that phase 1 of the project phasing, coordination and <br />implementation proposals contained within the original Petition is complete and concur in the <br />content of the draft Phase 1 Report dated March 31, 2014. <br />13. Based on the foregoing, the petitioners amend the original petition as follows: <br />a. to allow implementation of Mirror Lake and Hansen Park project components <br />without delay. <br />b. to allow proceeding to project phases 2& 3 concurrently, with the inclusion of <br />project components within the sub-watershed of Ramsey County Ditch 5. <br />c. to allow the addition of the City of Roseville as an additional petitioner for the <br />Basic Water Management Project, as if a party to the original petition. <br />14. The Cities, therefore, amend the original petition to the Rice Creek Watershed District <br />initiating Basic Water Management Project 2013-01 for the following purposes: <br />a. Phase L Identifying and analyzing current conditions, challenges and <br />opportunities related to stormwater management and flood damage within the <br />[16266-0032/1774296/1] 2 <br />