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4.O BACKGROUND <br />4.1 AutoZone, Inc. proposes to purchase the property at 1255 Larpenteur Avenue. The <br />property, located in City Planning District 14 has a Comprehensive Plan designation of <br />Community Business (CB) and a corresponding zoning classification of Community <br />Business (CB) District. <br />4.2 City Code § 1017.17A (Low Floor Elevations) requires all structures within a storm water <br />district to have their lowest floor at least two feet above the established 100-year flood <br />elevation of the storm water pond (or wetland managed for storm water purposes) in the <br />storm water district. The subject property is located in the Gottfried Pit sub-watershed <br />district, directly adjacent to the storm pond which has a 100-year flood elevation of <br />919.26 feet (i.e., vertical distance above sea level). <br />4.3 The approximate elevation of the subject property, and the floor level of proposed new <br />building, is 912 feet. In order to meet the requirements of § 1017.17A, the new building's <br />floor elevation would need to be at least 921.26 feet, which would be about nine feet <br />above the existing grade and about ll feet above the Larpenteur Avenue curb. If the <br />requested vAFUANCE is granted, allowing development to occur in a location prone to <br />flooding, the applicant is willing to enter into an agreement indemnifying the City from <br />any damage to the property caused by such flooding. <br />4.4 The site plans, included with this report as part of Attachment C, illustrate the proposed <br />building location and site elevations. <br />S.O VARIANCE ANALYSIS <br />5.1 REV1Ew oF Va�aNCE aPPxovaL �Qu�xEMENTS: Section 1009.04C of the City Code <br />establishes a mandate that the Variance Board make five specific findings about a <br />variance request as a prerequisite for approving the variance. The required findings are as <br />follows: <br />a. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Division staff <br />finds that the proposed development is generally consistent with the Comprehensive <br />Plan in that it represents continuing investment in an existing commercial property. <br />Moreover, the Comprehensive Plan's storm-water-related content is mostly about <br />ensuring best-practices for site-specific storm water management, eliminating illicit <br />discharge into storm water systems, and minimizing the polluting effects that occur <br />when untreated and uncontrolled storm water runs into natural surface water <br />resources. While the proposed development may have challenges that must be met <br />with respect to on-site storm water management, it would not contribute illicit <br />discharge and, since Gottfried Pit is landlocked, potential pollution leaving the <br />property in a flood event cannot end up in other wetlands, streams, lakes, etc. <br />b. The proposal is in harmony with the purposes and intent of the zoning ordinances. <br />The low floor elevation regulations are primarily intended to protect property owners <br />from flood damage. Since the property has been in commercial use at its existing <br />elevation since 1950, Planning Division staff believes that the proposal is consistent <br />with the intent of the zoning ordinances because it represents a continuation of the <br />commercial use and not the creation of a new flood-prone property. <br />c. The proposal puts the subject property to use in a reasonable manner. Because strict <br />compliance with the zoning code would require the grade of the property to be raised <br />PF14-010 RVBA 050714 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />