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3.0 BACKGROUND <br />3.1 The property at 2501-2699 Patton Road, located in City Planning District 11, has a <br />Comprehensive Plan designation of Business Park (BP) and a zoning classification of <br />Office/Business Park (O/BP) District. <br />32 The subject property, its northern neighbor, and the Patton Road right-of way were <br />platted as part of the Patton Business Addition in January 1985. At that time Patton Road <br />was 600 feet long, corresponding to the length of the subject property, and a circular <br />turn-around area was required for the cul-de-sac street. Vehicle access to the neighboring <br />property to the north was provided by a simple driveway connecting to the turn-around <br />area. In 1987, the lots on the west side of Patton Road were platted as the Patton Business <br />Second Addition, and Patton Road was made 1,200 feet long to provide more complete <br />access to the northern lots, at which point the existing turn-around was removed and <br />replaced with another at the new northern terminus of the longer cul-de-sac street. At this <br />point, the right-of-way for the former turn-around area became superfluous, and the <br />applicant proposes to improve and expand the property's parking facilities into that area. <br />4.0 VACATION ANALYSIS <br />4.1 The City of Roseville Public Warks Department staff has reviewed the proposed vacation <br />of right-of-way and supports the vacation since there's no future need for the unused <br />portion of right-of-way. Moreover, no public infrastructure is in that area, so no easement <br />is needed to remain in place of the vacated right-of-way. The proposed area to be vacated <br />is illustrated in the survey included with this RPCA as Attachment C. <br />42 Since the Planning Commission is responsible for holding the public hearings for <br />applications like the proposed vacation, Planning Division staff is preparing the report <br />and supporting materials for review. But Planning staff doesn't have an interest, per se, <br />in such proposals and merely conveys the comments and recommendation of the Public <br />Warks Department in addition to coordinating the review of the proposal by the Planning <br />Commission and City Council. <br />5.0 PUBLIC COMMENT <br />The duly-noticed public hearing for this application was held by the Planning <br />Commission at its May7, 2014 meeting; upon the conclusion of the public hearing and its <br />review of the application, the Planning Commission voted unanimously (i.e., 5— 0) to <br />recommend approval of the requested vACAT1oN. Draft minutes of the public hearing are <br />included with this RCA as Attachment D. As of the time this report was prepared, <br />Planning Division staff had received one phone call inquiring about the proposal, but no <br />comments were offered. <br />6.0 RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION <br />Adopt a resolution approving the requested vACAT�oN of the unused right-of-way, <br />as illustrated in the vacation survey dated March 20, 2014, based on the comments and <br />findings outlined in Sections 3— 5 of this report. <br />PF14-009 RCA 060914.doc <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />