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<br />299 <br /> <br />NOISE POLLUTION CONTROL 7030.0050 <br /> <br />Subp. 8. Lso. "Lso" means the sound level; expressed in dB(A), which is exceeded SO <br />percent of the time for a one hour survey. as measured by test procedures approved by the <br />commissioner. <br />Subp. 9. Municipality. "Municipality" means a county; a city; a town; a regional plan- <br />ning and development commission established under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 473; the <br />metropolitan council; or other governmental subdivision of the state responsible by law for <br />controlling or restricting land use within its jurisdiction. <br />Subp. 10. Nighttime. "Nighttime" means those hours from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. <br />Subp. 11. Person. "Person" means any human being. any municipality or other govern- <br />mental or political subdivision or other public department or agency. any public or private <br />corporation, any partnership, finn. association, or other organization. any receiver. trustee. <br />assignee. agency. legal entity, other than a court oflaw. or any legal representative of any of <br />the foregoing. but does not include the agency. <br />Subp. 12. Sound pressure le\'el. "Sound pressure lever'. in decibels. means 20 times <br />the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure to the reference pressure. The refer- <br />ence pressure shall be 20 micronewtons per square meter. <br />Statutory Authority: MS s 116.07 subds 2.4 <br /> <br />History: II SR 43: L /987 c /86 s /5: /8 SR 6/4 <br /> <br />7030.0030 NOISE CONTROL REQUIREMENT. <br />No person may violate the standards established in part 7030.0040, unless exempted by <br />Minnesota Statutes, section 116.07. subdivision 2a. Any municipality having authority to <br />regulate land use shall take all reasonable measures within its jurisdiction to prevent the es- <br />tablishment of land use activities listed in noise area classification (NAC) 1.2, or 3 in any <br />location where the standards established in part 7030.0040 will be violated immediately <br />upon establishment of the land use. <br /> <br />Statutory Authority: MS s 116.07 suhds 2.4 <br /> <br />History: /I SR 43: /8 SR 6/4 <br /> <br />7030.0040 NOISE STANDARDS. <br />Subpart I. Scope. These standards describe the limiting levels of sound established on <br />the basis of present knowledge for the preservation of public health and welfare. These stan- <br />dards are consistent with speech, sleep, annoyance. and hearing conservation requirements <br />for receivers within areas grouped according to land activities by the noise area classification <br />(NAC) system established in part 7030.0050. However, these standards do not, by them- <br />selves, identify the limiting levels of impulsive noise needed for the preservation of public <br />health and welfare. Noise standards in subpart 2 apply to all sources. <br />Subp. 2. Noise standards. <br />Noise Area <br />Classification Daytime Nighttime <br /> <br />I <br />2 <br />3 <br /> <br />Lso <br />60 <br />65 <br />75 <br /> <br />LIO <br />65 <br />70 <br />80 <br /> <br />Lso LIO <br />50 55 <br />65 70' <br />75 80 <br /> <br />Statutory Authority: MS s 1/6.07 subds 2.4 <br />History: 1/ SR 43; /8 SR 614 <br /> <br />7030.0050 NOISE AREA CLASSIFICATION. <br />Subpart 1. Applicability. The noise area classification is based on the land use activity <br />at the location of the receiver and detennines the noise standards applicable to that land use <br />activity unless an exception is applied under subpart 3. <br />Subp. 2. Noise area classifications. The noise area classifications and the activities in- <br />cluded in each classification are listed below: <br /> <br />Integrated Loss Control, Inc. · (612) 783-9581 <br />