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<br />303 <br /> <br />NOISE POLLUTION CONTROL 7030.0080 <br /> <br />Subp. 2. Equipment specifications. All sound level measuring devices must meet <br />Type 0, I, II, or S specifications under American National Standards Institute S 1.4-1983. <br />Subp. 3. Calibration. All sound level measuring devices must, at a minimum, be exter- <br />nally field calibrated before and after monitoring using a calibration device of known fre- <br />quency and sound pressure level. <br />Subp. 4. Measurement procedures. The following procedures must be used to obtain <br />representative sound level measurements: <br />A. Measurements must be made at least three feet off the ground or surface and <br />away from natural or artificial structures which would prevent an accurate measurement. <br />B. Measurements must be made using the A-weighting and fast response charac- <br />teristics ofthe sound measuring device as specified in American National Standards Institute <br />SI.4-1983. <br />C. Measurements must not be made in sustained winds or in precipitation which <br />results in a difference of less than ten decibels between the background noise level and the <br />noise source being measured. <br />D. Measurements must be made using a microphone which is protected from am- <br />bient conditions which would prevent an accurate measurement. <br />Subp. 5. Data documentation. A summary sheet for all sound level measurements <br />shall be completed and signed by the person making the measurements. At a minimum. the <br />summary sheet shall include: <br />A. date; <br />B. time; <br />C. location; <br />D. noise source; <br />E. wind speed and direction; <br />F. temperature; <br />G. humidity; <br />H. make, model, and serial number of measuring equipment; <br />I. field calibration results: <br />J. monitored levels; and <br />K. site sketch indicating noise source, measurement location. directions. dis- <br />tances. and obstructions. <br />Statutory Authorit,}': MS s 1/6.07 subds 2,4 <br />History: /l SR 43; 17 SR 1279; 18 SR 614 <br />7030.0070 SOUND ATTENUATION MEASUREMENT METHODOLOGY. <br />Subpart l. Purpose. Sound level measurements made for assessing sound attenuation <br />as specified in part 7030.0050, subpart 3, item B, C, or D, shall be made according to the <br />requirements of this part. <br />Subp. 2. Equipment. The equipment shall meet the requirements specified in part <br />7030.0060, subpart 2. <br />Subp. 3. Calibration. The equipment must meet the calibration requirements specified <br />in part 7030.0060, subpart 3. <br />Subp. 4. Measurement procedure. The measurement procedure described in FHW A- <br />DP-45-1 R, section 8 must be used for determination of the sound attenuation. <br />Subp. S. Equivalent methods. Methods equivalent to those described in subpart 4 may <br />be used provided they are approved by the commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control <br />Agency. The commissioner shall approve an alternative method if the commissioner finds <br />that the method will produce representative data and results which are as reliable as the meth- <br />ods specified in subpart 4. <br />Statutory Authority: MS s 116.07 subds 2.4 <br />History: JJ SR 43; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 18 SR 614 <br />7030.0080 VARIANCE. <br />If, upon written application of the responsible person. the agency finds that by reason of <br />exceptional circumstances strict conformity with any provisions of any noise rule would <br /> <br />Integrated Loss Control, Inc. . (612) 783.9581 <br />