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<br />BXHIBIT A <br /> <br />NOTICE OF pUBLIC HEARING ON <br />PROpOSAL FOR A HOUSING PROGRAM AND <br />THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS TO F!NANCE <br />A MULTIFAMILY ELDERLY RENTAL HOUSING DEVBLOPMENT <br />(CARE INSTITUTE, XNC. PROJRCT) <br /> <br />TO WHOM IT MAY CONCgRN: <br /> <br />Notice is hereby given that the city council of the city of <br />Roseville, Minnesota, will .eet in the City Council Ch~ers at <br />the city Hall in the city of Roseville, Minnesota, at 7:30 p.m. <br />on Monday, September 27, 1993, to oonsider the proposal of Care <br />In~titute, Ina., an Indiana non-profit cor.poration (the <br />"Company") t.hat the City und.ertake a housing progra:!l1 to finance <br />the project hereinafter described, pursuant to Minnesota <br />statutes, Chapter 462C, by the i~suanoe of revenue obliqations. <br /> <br />nescription of the Project: <br /> <br />The Project oonsists of the renovation of the existinq <br />multifamily rental housing development for the elderly and the <br />aoquisition, construction and equipping of a 38 unit addition <br />therefor on 1.3 acres of additional land to be aoquired adjoining <br />said development, along with related improvements, to be located <br />at 2750 North Victoria street in th. city of Roseville, <br />Kinnesota. The project will be owned by the Company. <br /> <br />Subsequont to approval of the housing program, the city of <br />Rosevilla may issue revenue bonds to finance the housing program. <br />Said bonds or other obligations, as and ~hen issuad, will not <br />constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance upon any property of the <br />City of Roseville, exoept. the proj.ct and the revenues to be <br />derived from the Project. Such bonds or Obligations will not be <br />a charge against. the city's general credit or taxinq powers but <br />Are payable from sums to be paid by the company pursuant to 8 <br />revenue agreement. <br /> <br />The maximum aggregate estimated principal amount of bonds or <br />other obligations to be issued to finance the Project pursuant to <br />the housing program is $13,000,000. <br /> <br />FUrther information concerninq the housing program and the <br />Project -may be obtained from the office of the City Manager <br />during normal business hours. <br /> <br />At the ti~e and place fixed for the public hearing, the city <br />counoil will give all persons who appear at the hearing an <br />opportunity to express their vie~s with respect to the housinq <br />plan and the financinq of ~he Project pursuant to the housin9 <br /> <br />Z45954 <br /> <br />6 3etjd <br /> <br />l'ON <br /> <br />I:l:!;;T 5:6,"8T"80((l31'1) <br /> <br />dS Ntje~ow seeI~8 wo~~ <br />