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<br />PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE <br /> <br />TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: <br /> <br />Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City <br />of Roseville will meet at Roseville city Hall, 2660 civic Center <br />Drive, on Wednesday, August 11, 1993 at 7:30 p.m., for the <br />purpose of considering the following request: <br /> <br />Richard Webb/Rosewood Estates request for rezoning from PUD to R- <br />3A, special use permit for a mUlti-family structure with more <br />than 24 dwelling units, variance to parking and housing density <br />standards of the zoning ordinance, and shoreline permit at 2750, <br />2764, and 2774 N. victoria. The applicant proposes to add 38 <br />units to the north of the existing Rosewood Estates building and <br />acquire the Marina property for use as parking for the facility. <br /> <br />The City Council, of the City of Roseville, will meet on Monday, <br />August 23, 1993 at City Hall at 7:30 p.m., to consider this <br />request. <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br /> <br />Rosewood Estates <br /> <br />Beginning at the intersection of the North line of said <br />Government Lot 4 with the center line of victoria streets; thence <br />East along said North line to the ordinary low water mark of Lake <br />Owasso; thence southerly along said ordinary low water mark to <br />its intersection with a line bearing South 89 degrees, 59 <br />minutes, 30 seconds East (assuming the North line of said <br />Government Lot 4 as bearing East and West from a point on the <br />Easterly line of Victoria street) distant 396.9 feet Southerly, <br />as measured along said Easterly line, from the North line of said <br />Government Lot 4; thence West along said last described line and <br />its extensions to the center line of victoria Street; thence <br />northerly along said center line to the point of beginning; <br />according to the United States Government survey thereof. <br />Subject to victoria Street. <br /> <br />Marina <br /> <br />Lot 1, Block 2, Ralph G. Miller Addition and that part of the <br />south 200.0 feet of Government Lot 3, Section 2, Township 29, <br />Range 23 lying Easterly of victoria Avenue. Except the East 10' <br />thereof taken for street widening as per Document #2242697. <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />steve sarkozy <br />city Manager <br />